I’m a few months behind on vaccines and visits and I feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor…

@sachin0990 If you don’t mind me asking, what made you hesitate on vaccines in the first place?

And what made you ultimately come to your decision that you want your children fully vaccinated?
I am on a journey of trying to figure this out myself right now and any information from others on the topic would be very helpful.
@sachin0990 Maybe it would help to bring it up when you call to make the appointment? Say you know they’re behind on vaccines but you want to make sure to remedy that. I’d hope they’d make a note in your chart that you do want the vaccines and go from there. Did you get the sense that your pediatrician was more strict or more understanding in the past?
@sachin0990 No need to feel guilty about it. There are tons of moms that feel more comfortable with a delayed vaccine schedule. I’m sure you can get more details from your pediatrician about how it works.
@sachin0990 If it’s not fine, you have the wrong doctor. Doctors get paid bonuses by insurance companies for vaccinating a certain percentage of patients. Because of this, they can be inappropriately aggressive and dismiss patient concerns. I had a a friend who’s doctors was pissy about delaying MMR until 2 years (mom has lupus and kid is not in daycare setting). Well, after he got the MMR, he got minimeasles, complete with a 106 fever. Of course, the doctor didn’t apologize. I’ve waited on all the vaccines for my little one due to myself having a lifetime of unexplained allergic reactions. Thank goodness I did- it turns out my little one has fever seizures, so we’ll be waiting a good bit longer until we get any. I found a private pediatrician who supports us 100%, but it can be hard. The hard part is that he absolutely does not want her vaccinated for medical reasons until at least age 6 (when they outgrow the seizures), but my state won’t allow that as a reason for medical exemption for school/daycare requirements. I always planned to homeschool for later grades, but I would have LOVED to put her in a good foreign language focused school for prek through about 2nd. Best of luck!
@sachin0990 So my baby turned one right when our insurance expired and we didn’t get our new one until January first so she never got her one year shots. She got all the others but I’m so embarrassed her doctor is going to shame me that I really don’t want to go. I know it’s important and I’ll do it but I’m so worried they will think I’m a bad mom for accidentally delaying her last round of shots.
@sachin0990 I got behind on visits for my first when I got pregnant with #2. I was sick and then just didn’t wanna go anywhere. Finally made an appointment a couple months later and the only thing they said was that she was gonna have to get a few extra pokes and if we were ok with that. Doctor was very nice and happy to see us and now we’re on track again
@sachin0990 Honestly, id just call your pediatrician, set up an appointment, and ask for a schedule to get your child set up. Dont volunteer extra info and if the dr asks, be brief and honest. Most offices see so many patients i doubt theyll think much of it
@sachin0990 Most doctors just want kids vaccinated so they shouldn’t shame you. Nurses are different though, I feel like their ability to hide judgement is not nearly that of a doctor’s. Be upfront and honest. Just say you changed your mind on vaccines and want to get caught up. They’ll be glad and supportive. And they’ll schedule them accordingly. I don’t get the flu vax for myself or my toddler (I did as a kid and it was always miserable) and when i tell the staff, they’re fine, like normal. I live in the country do they likely get a lot of antivax people so maybe that’s why. Anyway don’t be afraid, you haven’t harmed your child, it’s just another doctor visit.
@sachin0990 Doctors understand that life happens, they'd rather you come in and get started catching up than to fall further behind. It's a simple matter of medical statement, the last time they had (x) vaccine was (date) and I'd like to get them caught up. There should be no judgement. Take those littles in!