@bluesky123 Bedtime is much easier to work on, so I would start there.
My LO is 10 months old and first wake window is 2.5-3 hours. At 6 months, her wake windows were 2/2.5/2.5/1.5
Her last window was always super short.
Before we transitions to 2 naps, her third nap was capped to 10min and was just a bridge nap to get her to bedtime. We would wake from it and go right into bath time and getting ready for bedtime. We only have on child so we have the time to do a 30 minute bath with her and then read tons of books and do some quiet play. Essentially that last 1.5 hour wake window was all bedtime routine.
We cut out that last nap once bedtime started balling at 8:30/9pm. She was 8 months old.
Went to a 2 nap schedule with 3/3.5/3.5 and it was rough for the first week. She’s been on a 2 nap schedule for a month now and the wake windows currently are 2.5/3.5/4.5
She prefers a shirt first wake window and once she started being able to tolerate longer ones later in the day, we shortened the first. At first, we had to extend all of them as much as we could