I’m a few months behind on vaccines and visits and I feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor…

@sachin0990 If you don’t mind me asking, what made you hesitate on vaccines in the first place?

And what made you ultimately come to your decision that you want your children fully vaccinated?
I am on a journey of trying to figure this out myself right now and any information from others on the topic would be very helpful.
@sachin0990 Maybe it would help to bring it up when you call to make the appointment? Say you know they’re behind on vaccines but you want to make sure to remedy that. I’d hope they’d make a note in your chart that you do want the vaccines and go from there. Did you get the sense that your pediatrician was more strict or more understanding in the past?
@sachin0990 No need to feel guilty about it. There are tons of moms that feel more comfortable with a delayed vaccine schedule. I’m sure you can get more details from your pediatrician about how it works.

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