I’m a few months behind on vaccines and visits and I feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor…

@sachin0990 Please don’t feel embarrassed about this or bad whatsoever! You can try to weed out good vs shaming clinics by asking directly when you call “hi, my 9mo is behind on her vaccine schedule, and we’d like to speak with a dr about catching up. Is that something you can help with?” If they say yes of course, go with them. If they ask you a million questions about why, or sound judgey, just say ok thanks anyway, hang up, take a deep breath, and try again.

Doctors aren’t judgey about anti vaxxers because they don’t like the clothes they wear, it’s just because they want to protect their health which is exactly the same thing you’re trying to do! This Internet stranger is proud of you for taking a beat, thinking about it, and deciding that you want your child fully vaccinated. It’s a great decision!
@sachin0990 Don't be too ashamed to do the right thing!! If you have a good doctor they will just be happy that you brought baby in to get caught up. Even if you weren't against them before, sometimes life just happens and we fall behind on things.

I recently fell behind on my 15 month old daughter's vaccines because the nurse told me that the MMR "hurts them" and it really freaked me out. I had three months to go back for it and I just didn't. We had our 15 month appt and no one batted an eye. She's all caught up now.

It would be so much worse if your baby got the measles or some other terrible illness after you never got the vaccines!
@sachin0990 The CDC has a whole “catch up” schedule for missed/late vaccines. The doctor may ask why you’re behind so they can address concerns,but most likely they’ll just be glad to have you there
@sachin0990 I just wanted to say I relate! I was raised not to trust the medical field, and my mom is very anti-vaxx. I will get my little one vaccinated, but it does make me a little nervous, so I've been researching some safety stuff just to reassure myself, even though I know it's the best thing for my little one.
@sachin0990 I'm so happy you're willing to face your fears to protect your baby! I think the doctors will be relieved to see you. They shouldn't shame you. They may ask why you didn't want to, or what changed your mind, but probably just to see how they can help other parents who are worried.

I would call, make an appointment, and just tell them your baby hasn't been there in awhile and needs to be seen and get caught up with her vaccines. They should have the baby's records and will know what she needs.

Good luck!
@sachin0990 Someone like you coming in to get their kids vaccinated is probably way more of a welcome sight than their usual patient. It shows a huge amount of maturity and strength on your end. I commend you! And any doctor who uses that as an opportunity to shame you, doesn't deserve you as a patient.
@sachin0990 Good for you for doing the best thing for your baby. Just let the nurse and doctor know that you’re behind on vaccines and want to catch up and they’ll give you your catch-up schedule. You can even let the person scheduling know so that the doctor comes prepared with your schedule.

I promise you they have heard this countless times before, and are going to be grateful that you’re coming in. At nine months you’re really not that far behind so it won’t be hard to catch up.

We were almost 2 months late for one set of our vaccines due to illnesses last winter (and another month behind over the summer for the same reason). Our doctor seriously didn’t care so long as we got the vaccines once my twins had a few days with no one having a fever.
@sachin0990 I don’t think they’ll care, and if they do find a new pediatrician. My LO is like 15 months behind. A delayed schedule is an option - it doesn’t make you “anti-vax”.
@sachin0990 I don't think they will mind or say anything! I had a baby in July of 2020 and it was so hard to get appointments so she was super behind on vaccines for a while and it took til just recently that she is fully caught up. No one ever said a word to me about it! Just offered and I said yes let's catch her up on anything she can have.
@sachin0990 If it makes you feel better, I’m a little vaccine hesitant myself. I’ve asked a lot of questions and my pediatrician has been really patient. I think most people understand that it’s scary to give our kids anything even when we know it’s ultimately the best thing to do.
@sachin0990 There’s a difference between choosing a delayed vaccine schedule, which isn’t evidence based, and changing your mind and wanting your kid to catch up! Just let them know when you call to schedule an appt that you think you’ve missed a few vaccines and would like to get your child caught up as soon as possible. They’ll let you know the best and safest plan.
@sachin0990 I hope the doctor is professional and you don’t have to deal with any uncomfortable comments. But either way— know you’re doing the right thing and it’s never too late.
Having a response ready in case you need it could help.
@sachin0990 Semi-related, but I had a friend who had twins, but one tragically passed away at 5 months after a short unexpected illness. She was so upset and scarred by doctors/ hospitals, that she did not take her surviving (healthy) twin back to the doctor for about a year, and he of course got behind on vaccines. There are all sorts of reasons that people get behind, please do not think twice on it.