I’m 8 weeks pregnant with twins and have a 10 week old baby


New member
Hi guys! Went for a scan and I’m measuring 7w 5d with di/di twins. My daughter was born Jan 3rd. 38w with the twins puts the rough due date at Oct 11th.

Prior to my daughter I was pregnant with di/di twins and lost them around 10w 5d. Hoping all goes well with this pregnancy but does anyone have Irish twins with a set of twins? Or close age gaps in general?

Honestly I’m a bit terrified but so excited. I’m 11 months older than my brother and he’s my best friend. Any advice at all would be so so appreciated. I know our friends & fam are going to think we’re mental when we announce!
@eb3 I know this will be everyone’s reaction 😂😂😂

I had a hellish pregnancy with HG throughout but made up for it with the labour. Was only 6 hours total and was up & active 12 out of the 14 days after she was born. I couldn’t have asked for a better labour or recovery tbh. Heard so many horror stories and it fortunately wasn’t my experience
@agape49 Be honest…did you have 5 seconds of horror when you found out you were pregnant again? I would have died I think. Happy would have come later hahaha
@eb3 For sure more than 5 seconds. We were hoping for one more baby within the next 2 years. I took the test a few weeks ago cause I was a bit sick and yeah.. horror is definitely one way to describe it haha. I’d gotten used to the idea then had the scan showing twins. Now I’m absolutely shitting myself again
@agape49 I’m almost an Irish twin. My brother is 13 month younger. It got really hard when we hit middle school because our friend groups were mashing together too much and we were on all the same sports teams and it just felt like we could grow on our own. We fought like crazy. We loved each other but definitely didn’t like each other haha.

We ended up going to two different high school and honestly that saved our relationship! We now live a couple hours apart. We do family vacation every couple of years and we’ve discovered that 2 weeks is about it the max we can do because we start bickering like children again
@eb3 Oh wow. I had the total opposite experience! I’m 26, he’s 25 now but we’re closer than ever. Fought like hell and recreated WWE moves on each other our whole childhood but we loved each other. I was a lot more social and outgoing than him so our friend groups never mashed. Because he was quiet and kind he got picked on a lot so I was always defending him despite knocking hell out each other at home 😂 We talk daily now and see each other weekly. I couldn’t imagine only seeing him a few times a year
@asdgho Wait .. how long did the Dr tell you to wait before doing it ?

I don’t remember mine telling me how long to wait. I do remember being told how long to wait after my vaginal birth.
@kimdkus They never mentionned anything, at least not when I was still at the hospital. I got out at day 12 and I've been told it was up to us... but I already knew that lol.
@kimdkus Oh. Well my triplets were at the nicu and I was still not discharged so the team were big on "go sleep we care for your children, you need to heal properly" and I'm beyond grateful for that.

But I can understand sleep deprivation :/

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