I’m 19 and my mom won’t let me stay the night with my boyfriend


New member
I still think it’s a little silly for rules like this while I’m in my second year of college. My dad actually agrees with me. What do you think? Should I stand up for myself or is she being reasonable?
@bestofdays If you think it is silly, stand up for youself by getting a job or a student loan, an apartment and live by your own rules. Boom! Problem solved.

If you don't want to put in the hard work of a job while studying...or being screwed over by student loans later in life; follow the rules of the homeowners where you live. Boom! Problem solved.
@bestofdays What does that change? Who cares why you are still at home.

There is a rule. You don't like it.

You can either chose to accept it or change your situation so that it doesn't affect you. These are the mature options.

What else are you going to do? Whine and bitch about it like a petulant child? Rage against your mom for the unjustness of it all? Guess why we all move out of our parents houses???.... its because we don't like their rules, curfews, chores, politics...and we get on with our own lives somewhere where we have to pay rent which sucks.

So what sucks less? This rule? Or paying rent?
@bestofdays Depends. If you live in your parents' home you should abide by their rules. If not, then why would you even ask.

I do understand. I lived with my parents during college and it sucked to have a curfew! But I had to suck it up since I couldn't afford a place of my own.

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