Hype me up and tell me I CAN do a short international flight alone with my two kids (3 years and 9 months)

@docmrm You can do it! That’s a pretty short flight and any discomfort with the kids will be quickly over and then you’ll be home with family. Definitely do it don’t let the fear stop you.
@docmrm You can 100% do it. Give the 3 yr old some movies and hopefully the baby will sleep. 3 hours will fly by. I have a 20 hour travel day coming up with the same ages (but my husband is coming) 3 hrs sounds like a dream
@docmrm When my son was a baby, we had an 11+ hour to/from trip (2 separate flights averaging 3 hours each one way with long layovers) and he slept when he was the age of your youngest and I brought along lots of entertainment the second time when he was a bit older. May be more challenging with 2 kids, but if you know what the oldest likes, ensure you bring entertainment along and also, for lift-off and landing, gum for older to help with ear pressure issues. For baby, a bottle with formula (my son vomited on me once after landing, but other times was fine).
@docmrm It will suck, but you can do it! Lots of tablet time for 3 yr old and have the stroller so you can corral toddler and or stuff. Baby wear the baby. I've flown twice with other adults since having two kids, but with only one and very pregnant I flew multiple times solo. It's not fun/easy but it is doable. It will also be a lot easier now before baby starts to walk etc.
@docmrm I've done plenty solo with 2 under 2! It's completely fine with screen time and plenty of snacks, but here are some newer hacks that have been huge for us:
  • Melissa and Doug Water Wow books. Mess free stimulating activity books. Teeny little pen that you fill with a few mL of water, and the pages are thicker cardboard so they are sturdy enough to handle a long trip with a 3yo. They also have Sticker Wow books that are similarly cool but $20 lol
  • Busy books! They have plenty on Amazon for $15ish. Inspired by the wooden Montessori busy boards, these are soft felt briefcases with tons of buckles, clips, Velcro, etc. Novelty is key!
  • Baby carrier! They've cracked down on having baby in one (or at least my last plane was strict about it) during takeoff and landing, but for cruising it is SO NICE to be able to just sit
@docmrm Two weeks ago I traveled to spend some weeks with my family abroad. 3 planes - 3 hrs, 14 hrs and 45 mins. 24 hr journey.

My kids are almost 3 and 8 months. We survived! You can do it.
@docmrm I did 5.5-6 hours with a 3 year old by my self and thought it would be a nightmare... Nope. Kid was so pumped to have his own little TV in the seat he just sat and ate snacks the whole time! You got this!
@docmrm Husband did a 5 hour red eye with our kids who were 2&5 at the time. They did fine. He couldn't sleep and was miserable.

3 hours is totally doable. Bring lots of snacks, toys, tablets and get a seat for each kid if you can afford it so everyone has space
@docmrm You got this!! Just keep thinking about your family and the much needed mental health restoration that you’ll have with them soon. Sending positive thoughts and energy your way!!