HoW WiLl I hIdE tHaT i'M nOt DrInKiNg

@ayrus87 My husband doesn't drink but doesn't like having to explain to people why. So he goes to the bar and orders a seltzer with lime. It LOOKS like he's drinking. His close friends obviously knows he doesn't drink. But for myself... 100% my family would know if I turned down a glass of wine. I agree with others, say you're on antibiotics, or have and upset stomach and don't want to put alcohol on it right now.
@ayrus87 Most people are self involved and won’t notice as long as you don’t say anything and have a glass of something. If it’s out order a sparkling water with lime and if it’s at a house make your own or just take a drink and walk around with it.
@ayrus87 I got away with saying I was too hungover a couple times. Since I felt like I was hungover with morning sickness, it was completely believable! Also just noticed that as long as you have a drink in your hand, people don't pay that much attention to how much you're drinking.
@ayrus87 I tend to order club soda with cranberry and lime when I don’t feel like drinking.

You don’t have to explain why you aren’t boozing - just in the mood to enjoy some carbonated beverages!!
@ayrus87 Hmmm.i just got off my BC and have not even ovulated yet (based on OPK) and I thought one shouldn't drink only after ovulation, is that right?

Also, seeing how many girls here had experience coming off BC, how long did it take before body returned back to normal?
@honestlyaveri I know some people drink until they get a positive pregnancy test. I would have had one by the time I'd have to hide it. I'm still new to all of this though. Prior to bc years ago, my cycle was 28 days like clockwork. My first cycle off bc was like 36 days and my ovulation was about 8 or 9 days before my AF.
@ayrus87 I’m planning a series of maladies to explain why I’m not drinking like sinus infection, headache or UTI. Luckily since we have no social lives due to COVID I can probably get by with just those three. I’m on Team Drink Til It’s Pink so I’m not worried about a beer on a night out in the TWW.