HoW WiLl I hIdE tHaT i'M nOt DrInKiNg

@gnpccanada Luckily I’m not a big drinker, it would be harder for me to hide that I’m not smoking weed lol I usually just sip on a cider when we go out so I’m thinking when I’m pregnant I’ll bring an empty can and fill it with water when no one is looking lol
@ayrus87 Being British and having drinking as a massive part of our culture makes me despise this question. Why can't we just say 'just not drinking, no particular reason'. People are so nosy!! (And come to conclusions far too easily).

I just told people I'd given up drinking - I'm that much of a health freak it didnt prompt further questioning as it wasnt suspicious 😅
@gershomgal my husband is an alcoholic in recovery, and we went out with my friend who met her husband in the UK and lives renew with him, and the LOOK he gave my husband when he said he didn’t drink lol. utter confusion! i’m just a dick when people ask me why i’m not drinking. “because i’m high as fuck instead, sharon”
  1. Get a spiked seltzer drink or cheap beer
  2. Bring it with you to the bathroom (If this is hard or might seem awkward, just feign needing to make/answer a phone call and bring your drink with you to go do it. Then just sneak off to the bathroom after your fake call)
  3. Dump the drink
  4. Fill the can with water
  5. Fool everyone
I did this all the time in college before I drank but still wanted to socialize.
@trekdad99 If it's not busy and you're a regular, you can also see if you can strike up an agreement where you'll ask for a vodka soda but just get soda water instead. My friend's boyfriend is a brunch bartender and one of his regulars has been getting a "order the mimosa but secretly hold the champagne" order for the same reason.
@trekdad99 When I'm not drinking in the TWW bc I'm convinced "this is our month" again (🤡) but don't want my parents to suspect anything, I usually place 2 wineglasses on the dinner table, fill one with wine and the other one with cherry juice or something and send her a pic of the nice dinner I made lol I didn't drink for the first year of TTC so I had to do this more often bc I usually do drink.

For parties I usually am the driver so noone questions that haha
@ayrus87 I just tell people I’m taking a break. This was even before TTC. I just didn’t want to drink anymore. I think people got used to me not drinking and it’s a non-issue. You could just say you had a little too much the night before so you’re sitting this one out, if you’re so inclined!
@onlyloveisreal Same I go on and off with drinking because I have addictive tendencies and don't want to become an alcoholic. I don't exactly tell people that but people don't seem phased when I mention I'm taking a break from drinking for a bit.
@ayrus87 I plan on saying I am on antibiotics for a stomach bug so not allowed alcohol. Also a good way to cover up morning sickness.

I am TTC first cycle and CD1 😂😂😂😂
@ayrus87 My SIL tried to take labels off of non alcoholic sangria to pass it off as alcohol. But be smarter than that because what store gives you sangria with no label on it? It was an easy giveaway.

Thankfully my husband and I are know for our dieting cycles so it shouldn’t be too hard to convince people we are just dieting.
@radicalpeng The trick is to buy a screw top wine bottle, fill with non-alcoholic wine, don’t share. It tastes gross and you have to be friends with people who bring their own wine and won’t ask for yours. At a certain point though the gig might be up and you have to confess that you’re trying and/or may be pregnant. The worst case is that someone close to you knows you’re doing something normal and hopefully it just stays at that.
@chinadoll1966 That’s a good one! My husband and I for sure knew SIL was pregnant as she’s a big drinker and her fake sangria was obvious, but we just patted ourselves on the back and kept it to ourselves. MIL even asked me one time and I lied to cover SIL. I would hope they would do the same for us when the time comes
@ayrus87 With my first we'd get to the bar early and get 2 of the same beer. I'd take pretend sips and my husband and I would switch beers. Another thing we'd do is get there early, find a bartender and tell them you want a nonalcoholic beverage and you'll order it all night but are being discreet. Tip in advance.
@ayrus87 Soda or tonic water and a lime. Looks like a drink! I've used it many times before TTC when I just didn't feel like drinking or already had enough alcohol and didn't want to answer questions about why I'm not drinking from pushy people who always seem to assume pregnancy is the only reason you might not want to drink... But don't get me started on that!

Edit: if ordering from a table: "I've got a question for the bartender, want to see if they have ____" or I can't decide then go to the bathroom and order from the bar on the way back.
@ayrus87 I mean, it’s Covid time anyway so who is drinking with other people in person? I just tell people that I’m having a strongly mixed drink while I sip on diluted juice in my Zoom parties. It’s actually part of why we decided to go ahead and start TTC since who knows when I’ll see anyone in person again, so no worries about hiding drinking habits, morning sickness, or a bump!