How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

@colinvy Practice lol. But seriously, to see how you would do, listen to someone talking, like a podcast or audio book, and try to type what they say. Also, doing typing tests online will give you a good idea of your typing speed, which any legitimate company will ask for.

Also, do your research on companies. There are a lot of online transcription places that don't actually hire you and those are, not scams precisely, but not good to work with.

There are certifications you cab get for legal or medical, but for general transcription you don't need them.
@mahyrah My Mom worked from home while homeschooling me for my whole childhood. She was always working and never spent time with me and my siblings. Even though she was technically home, she was never present. It sucked. Looking after kids is a full time job. When I'm home with my child I want to be fully present and alternatively, when I'm at work, I'm glad she has educators and carers that are 100% present with her.
@mahyrah Hahaha. I remember when my pregnant friend thought she could work from home while taking care of her infant. I straight up told her no, that’s not possible. Unless your employer is ok with you barely working…
@smileyface50 An infant.... Have you EVER had one of those? I do wfh and homeschool, but my older kids are 9 and 10... The 3 year old is another story. We DoorDash and other gigs, so kids come along on those days.
@noam111g I started my wfh job a month before having my daughter, I took 2 weeks of maternity leave, and went back to work. My previous comments I’ve stated my job isn’t as demanding as people think it is. I’m grateful my company is very flexible with having kids at home while working from home. 🙂 I’m not saying it was a piece of cake but here I am with the same company, my kids are 5 and 14 months old now and I still can get things done, give them my attention, etc.
Like I said, at the end of the day it all depends on how demanding the job is.

ETA - I guess I’m just lucky that my kids aren’t chaotic. My 14 month old has her days but my kids literally are so chill and don’t wreck the place.

ETA - I did mention in my previous comment I do have KIDS. Yes my kids have been infants at some point sherlock - and yes I’ve worked while my daughter was an infant and up to now.
@smileyface50 I guess. Mine are not horribly chaotic. It's just between post partum issues, diapers, cluster feeding, trying to sleep and not being half dead... I've had 5. My first I laid to rest. I am no Sherlock and sorry that you felt the need to go petty. I am the last person to judge... I don't have to justify anything to you, but I am not some inexperienced ahole just jumping on to hurt people. More often than not, I am looking for the person doing those things... Also.. You're only beginning, they'll get a little older... Then you'll understand my, very tame, comment.
@noam111g I lost my first before I had my son. With my daughter I dealt with PPD while wfh. I don’t have to justify anything to anyone either. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Just giving my own personal experience. I H A T E when people tell me “you’re only just beginning just wait till they get older.” Like okay, all kids are also different, so who knows my kids could still be literal angels or not lol I could also not be working this same job as they’re older and more than likely will all be in school full time by then

ETA - my shift at the time was 3:30pm-12:30am, I’m not saying all my days/shifts were easy. Working that shift killed me, so thankfully I was able to switch to a morning shift such as 6:30am-3:30pm.

** also don’t get how I’m being “petty” 😂 I’m literally just expressing my opinions and how I get things done while I wfh.
@smileyface50 I buried my child before my 22nd. I had her though. Just experience. It's OK chill out. You're doing great, your kids are alive and well. I wasn't giving you shit. Let's have some coffee or tea and relax. I know you're killing it, you really are just beginning though and that is ok.. We were just beginning too and my middle two were delightful angels... until about 6 or 7 and now they fight incessantly. I go out to work with Doordash or Uber or insta or spark. Hey BTW, I don't know a shittin thing more than you do, I just happen to have been doing this for 15 years and I have seen and been through a lot. I don't mean any harm, but if you're uncomfortable with people warning you, you WILL continue to learn the hard way.. like I did ... But that is OK too, kids are super resilient and thank God cause we are nothing close to perfect, but we're what they need, perfectly. If that makes sense. I am sorry for anything sounding too sparky. I will be mindful of my tone over txt.. super hard. But in any case, you're doing great, I need a remember I'm doing great. We're all getting through it and no one could do what we do for ours. I am not assuming I could do any better or whatever than you. It is super hard to convey through text, my tone or influxes?(right word?) More coffee..
@noam111g Yeah it did come off as you giving me shit. I lost my first when I was only 18 years old. I had just graduated from high school and a month later I went through a traumatic miscarriage.

I feel like with parenting it really doesn’t matter anymore how long you’ve been doing the thing. We’re all going through it, have been through something so at the end of the day we all just need to give ourselves grace.
@terminal_marxicity If you’ve seen my other comments, I say it all depends on how demanding the job is. My job isn’t very demanding thankfully, and I can still get things done, give attention to my kids, etc and still work. I’ve gotten it done because it needed to be and I do what works for me. 🙂 But overall in this time both parents can still work and not be able to afford childcare. So they need to figure out what works for them at the end of the day.

ETA - people don’t know what it’s like to wfh with kids until they do it themselves. I’m sharing my experience and how I manage.
@smileyface50 I read all your earlier comments.

You are so blessed to be able to do that and have a low-demanding job!! I just recently started wfh and i absolutely love it. My 18mon old twins are pretty chill and entertain each other if they wake up early, and im able to schedule myself during their nap times so it works out pretty great. My job is crazy flexible, and i couldn't do it without that.

To each their own, and to each i wish success! Being a mom, staring at the same four walls all day every day, and working on top of that is a crazy ride. You're doing great mama.