How to respond to the people who say “WeLl CaN’t YoU jUsT wOrK fRoM hOmE?”

@xn18 Gosh we were dooing really good on doordash and Uber and instacart back then... The homeschooling was insane... Oh wait.. nothing has changed at all for us.. Except now people are working again so it is less random orders and more regulars.
@mahyrah I tried to wfh with a 6 month old. (This was almost 15 years ago now) I have never felt so much like an absolute failure. I couldn’t do the work because I couldn’t focus on it for more than 10 minutes when she was awake (clusterfeeding is rough!!) and then I couldn’t stay awake (or have a clear enough mind) to work when she was asleep. Not to mention trying to keep anything clean around the house…
@mahyrah I do wfh. And I did before my daughter started school. It's not easy. I was lucky enough to find a job that had a flexible schedule so as long as I got the work done they didn't really care when I did it.

But it's not as easy as some people seem to think. My fiance would have to take over child care when he got home so I could finish what I was doing. I was constantly up and down taking care of my daughter. Like do people not realize how hard it is to wfh with a child?
@scottishservant Exactly! I still wfh 2 days a week with my daughter. My boss and I decided on this schedule when I found out I was pregnant, I definitely don’t get the same amount of work done when I have her
@scottishservant I work from home while watching my daughter, too. I have an extremely flexible, very part time job. I know I couldn’t do it if I had to work more hours than I do, but when you only have to fit in 10-15 hours of work a week, it’s a lot easier to get it done during naps/independent play/after bedtime. And it’s gotten easier the older she gets. It was the hardest when she around 2, now that she is 3.5 it’s pretty easy. She is more independent and can meet the majority of her own needs if I’m on a call and can’t help her for a few minutes.
@scottishservant And people don’t realize kids have different needs. Almost like each child is an individual human…. My oldest son has a very high need for interaction at all times- when he was a baby it was exhausting. His little brother would be fine just coloring for an hour by himself.
@scottishservant I currently wfh, but i've been wanting to get into transcription since it would allow me to get up and down instead of sit waiting for a call and unable to be interrupted (which severely limits when i can schedule myself). Any tips?