How to handle a kid hitting your kid?


New member
I'm at Chick FIL A today with 4/o daughter who is playing with some kids and a 7ish year old boy in the play area. They are laughing and playing tag and hide and go seek. Inbetween rounds they are standing and talking and the 7 y/o boy slapped her arm hard my daughter immediately started crying. I was in the play area and told him no that he, shouldn't hit, and to apologize, which he did. All the other kids scolded him too.

I took my daughter out of the area to console her and after she finished her chocolate milk and dried her eyes, she wanted to go back to the play area. We talked about how no one should hit.

The other boys dad is in the play area now and when the kids are off playing I mention the story above as a "just so you should know" I do it in a non threatening way and used nice language. The other dad wasn't in the play area at the time, but could probably see through the glass.

The other dad essentially came back with "equal rights equal fights" saying he was sure my daughter had hit first. I explained that before his son slapped they had been playing tag, but that tag was over when he had hit and that they had been standing in a still circle talking when the hit occured, that I was 3 feet away, my daughter had never touched his son. The other dad spoke in a rather rude tone and while I forget his exact words let me know that he didn't care and it was probably an earned slap and my blood started to boil. I asked if he was ok with an older boy hitting a 4 year old and he left the play area.

I'm still so mad about the exchange. I obviously don't want to start a brawl in the chic FIL A play area, but how do you all deal with A: other dad's like this and B: the emotions that follow? I feel like I failed my daughter in someway that this other kid will likely go on hitting girls half his age and mad that this dad couldn't offer some form of apology.

TLDR: y/o boy slapped my 4 y/o making her cry and when confronting other parent about it told my daughter probably earned it.

I really can't thank you all enough for sharing your own stories. I'm glad I didn't lose control over my emotions - I posted this to vent instead and it helped to write out the experience. I'll admit immediately following the experience I had fragile masculinity/bruised ego because I didn't become more aggressive if that makes sense. Now that I'm further out and have read all of your views, I'm glad it stopped where it did and I did right and set a good example for my daughter.

Lesson learned: if any of you are in a situation where your blood boils remember you won't be able to help your kid if you are jailed/hospitalized/or dead. It's best to keep control and leave the situation.

Thank you again Daddit and good luck to all of us out there!
@niccole2011 First, you definitely handled this right, the boy was completely out of line and you weren’t undue-ly harsh with a strangers kid. Second, if your daughter says “best day ever” on a lot of days with you… you’re killing it. I don’t know if you needed to hear that, but I think we all do sometimes!

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