How often do you have date night with your partner?

@jcano Rarely. Last date night was 12/9. Before that it had been probably July? We both work full time plus overtime and it takes too much effort to organize a night out. Most of the time I would rather order takeout and watch a movie together.
@jcano We do a weekly date night, but that only just started with my parents moving into our neighborhood. The kids are 3 and 6 and we're home to put them to bed so it's not a total night off. It definitely helps though!
@jcano We try to do once a month but it doesn’t always happen. We’re lucky in that my in laws live pretty close and watch her sometimes. Otherwise it’s usually a teacher from her daycare. We also take advantage of holidays that we have off of work but daycare is open. We’ll go out to lunch together. When our daughter was an infant, we did monthly date nights after she went to bed and it was just basically a nice meal and watching a movie together at home.