How much does your baby poop?


New member
Hi All. Kind of a stupid question but I love this sub and always get great responses/advice.

I know it's perfectly normal for babies to not poop every day. That not what this is about.

I'm wondering about the quantity.

My baby is 6 months and e.b.f. when she stopped pooping every day and only once or twice a week, I expected the poops would be bigger, not smaller, considering that they're not coming as often.

I'm asking moms with e.b.f. babies about when they DO poop (for the ones that DON'T poop every day) if it's s lot of poo or a little. Because logic would dictate that they longer they go in between poops the larger the poops will be. But my girl has small poops about once a week.

Thanks in advance for the replies.

(Edited for clarity)
@gearhead79 FTM to an ebf 4 week old. In the last week I’ve noticed a difference in his poops. He’s gone from having a sort of medium sized poo every few hours, to having tiny poos (no bigger than a teaspoon or two) a few times a day and a huge poo (and sometimes a blowout) once every day or two. They’re still the mustardy colour with bits so I’m not worried.
@gearhead79 My baby just pooped last night, and it has been 14 days since her previous poop. I thought it would be a shit ton, like 2 weeks worth, but it was a normal amount 🤷🏻‍♀️ I suppose her body is real efficient in absorbing all the nutrients and leaving little waste.
@katrina2017 Yes. I know. I'm asking about when they DO poop (for the ones that DON'T poop every day) if it's s lot of poo or s little. Because logic would dictate that they longer they go in between poops the larger the poops will be. But my girl has small poops about once a week.
@gearhead79 FTM of a 12 month year old who has breastfed for the past year. He’s gone through stages. Normally if he would only poop a few times a week he was going through a growth spurt. It think it was around 6 months where it wasn’t everyday. I was worried as well and asked my pediatrician. He said it was normal for breastfed babies to go a week without pooping. If they go longer than a week then you should worry!
Hope this helps!
@savedbygrace05 Yes but how much poop was there when he did poop? (When it wasn't every day.) I'm aware that it's perfectly normal for them to not poop every day. I'm concerned about the amount when my baby does poop.
@gearhead79 10 mo, EBF, been on solids for roughly 4 months

Since then, she poops once a day which is drastically less than the 5+ poops a day she was having prior

They’re getting smaller recently, but they were pretty messy and gross the first couple months she was on solids. I was giving her a bath most days after her poop instead of wasting like 30 wipes cleaning her up.
@gearhead79 I get a medium size amount of poop every 3 or 4 days from my mostly breastfed baby (supplementing with 2-4 ounces of formula a day). It's not as much as I expected either. From what I've heard it's because breast milk is so thoroughly digested.
@gearhead79 LO is 3 month and hav 3-14 days between poops. Last one was massive! Thankfully our sitter missed it by an hour. When I picked her up, it squished it unto her back because it was so huge. We decided to wash her because there was poop everywhere
@gearhead79 LO is 8 weeks. EBF. Pooped today for the first time in 8-9 days and it was quite small. I thought it would be huge but nope, just like a silver dollar size poo. I assumed that meant he had more but it’s been like 18 hours and he hasn’t had any more. I think it’s normal and okay as long as baby seems happy and healthy and the stool is still soft.