How much does your baby eat in a day?

@augusto Im not sure how much he eats in a day maybe 30 oz more or less? I just feed him when he’s hungry and I always prepare 5 oz. Most of the time he finishes it and other times he wants more or he leaves about an ounce or less. He’s also been drinking 5 oz since he was 6 weeks which was a bit shocking imo but baby wants what baby wants! Your baby sounds super healthy and you’re also doing a great job mom!
@augusto 6 months, 30ish oz before bedtime which is 6.5iz bottles every 3ish hours or so, and a small 4oz bottle at 3am. We recently tried to wean the 3am feed by reducing half an ounce, but he’s not ready. Your baby is totally eating enough and is doing great!
@augusto I also have an 11 week old, and she drinks about 21-24oz a day. She drinks about 3-3.5oz every 2.5-3 hours and mostly sleeps through the night. I will add though that she is a preemie and was born 6.5 weeks early. She’s just about 10 pounds now
@augusto 12 weeks here but he was 4 weeks early. At minimum 18 ounces a day and max was 25 but he’s usually 21-23. He will only eat 2-3 ounces at a time one time he ate 4. :(
I was worried but dr said since his weight has stayed good (he weighs over 12 pounds) it’s ok
@augusto My baby is almost 7 months and drinks only 25-30 ounces per day. (5-6 5 oz bottles). I cannot for the life of me get her to drink more. I was concerned for a little about it, but at her 6 month checkup, she was 84th percentile for both height and weight. Every baby is different and as long as she isn’t dropping weight, I wouldn’t be worried.