How much are you playing with your baby?


New member
My baby is 3 months old (9 weeks adjusted age due to prematurity). We do tummy time, high contrast cards, listen to music, sometimes I told her while I dance, read books, etc. I love my baby. She’s great! And cute! We coo at each other!

But omg I cannot do all these things with her for her whole 1-1.5 hour wake window 6 times a day. It’s so boring for me and I’m becoming concerned that I’m serving the role of performer/entertainer which I don’t want to be. I told myself while pregnant I did not want to be a parent who is constantly entertaining their baby. Now that she’s here, I feel a sense of guilt if I’m not engaging with her. I worry I’m not helping facilitate her growth and development enough even though she’s showing all signs of appropriate development. My husband says she’s fine to leave in her play gym or bouncy chair as long as she’s calm.

We do go out with friends for walks and lunch dates 3x a week but she usually sleeps when I’m baby wearing or in her stroller/car seat (even if it’s supposed to be a wake window).

Realistically, how much time are you spending engaging and playing with baby?
@triplet Ours does this in the morning when he's happy. I'll go in to his room and suddenly think I've been transported to the Cretaceous period.
@coachlittlez23 you can engaged with her without performing. just talk to her. show her things. do chores and narrate them for her. mine loves to sit in his high chair (reclined for baby) and watch me cook as I explain what I'm doing. he has a blast.
@pelipeli Also babies get engagement from the most random things cause everything is brand new to them. We have our swing near a window so our LO can see the sky, trees etc
@pelipeli My second also loves a mummy cooking show! Especially if her big sister (22 month age gap) is helping. I think my eldest is the primary source of joy for no.2, they will do tummy time together and my eldest shows off her favourite toys. We all have a great time
@bassgasmask Yep! It is good for babies to experience boredom and have time to look around. Imagine if you were trying to sit quietly in a new place with your thoughts and someone got right in your face singing and dancing. It can be a bit much!
@bassgasmask Agreed with this!

Also, if you're like me and need "more" from just letting your baby play independently, remember that babies need time to learn how their body moves. They won't get as much practice if they're being constantly engaged. My LO learned to roll, blow spit bubbles, swing at toys, suck fists, all while alone in her playard with some toys.
@bassgasmask My baby has learned to suck on his fists in such an exaggerated manner. It’s comical.

He’s either tired but can’t sleep or he’s hungry so everyone from the roof to the foundation of this house must hear about it!
@bassgasmask Agree with this. I also think how annoying it would be to have someone in your face talking at you 24/7 and constant entertainment. A bit of quiet time is ok. I used to sit my girl in her chair, give her a toy while I ate, did housework or just took a 10 minute break on my phone or read a few pages of a book. I don't know why everyone feels bad for not being in their face all the time.
@rottenrobbe If they can roll it's fine for them to hang out on their tummies, but at 3 months, yeah I'd leave girl on her back under her play gym. She practiced a lot with grabbing and reaching and rolling. She even started scooting herself around her play pen xD