How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?

@987abc VHCOL area (San Francisco). Daycare full time is $2000/month. Sitters are usually $25-30. We sometimes get a 14 yr old to watch him for a couple hours for $15/hr but she doesn’t change diapers.
@987abc VHCL area and we pay $2850/month for full time daycare for a 2 year old in the burbs which is down from the $4,000 we paid when we lived directly in the city (though in fairness, that was for an infant.) We've not done a baby sitter yet so I can't really answer your questions, but going rate around here is ~$25/hour.
@987abc 5 year old in private preschool 4 days a week from 7:30-4 is $266 per week.

If we hire a babysitter for date night it’s $26 per hour. We have a camera in the living room and our daughter’s bedroom but we had the living room one before we had a kid and it’s for safety, not watching a babysitter.
@987abc 3 days a week daytime for us is about 1400/month. Most of my friends paying for full time care,especially off hours care, pay around 60-80k a year.
@987abc MCOL, my son is 3.5, we pay $1200/month for preschool. 5 days a week, 8-5, meals included. My friends will babysit for a discount ($14-$16) but I rarely use that option. otherwise my husband will not pay a stranger to babysit. It’s $20-30 on the Bambino app.
@987abc daycare is £59 a day where i live. we have family nearby who will babysit maybe once a month (for free!) but if i had to ask a babysitter i think a normal rate would be £12-15 a hour, maybe more depending on the person’s age.
@scrivener i’m gonna get a PT job when my mom moves back and can babysit for me. i have zero desire to return to my professional job. going to find something more fun and easy.
@987abc We live in upstate NY (USA). We pay about $1k a month for daycare, for 3 days a week. And we pay $50 2-4 times a month so we can go on a date night.
@987abc We pay $315 a week for full time daycare. It's the most expensive daycare I visited but I chose them because they only have 7 kids in my son's classroom and it's 2 teachers. The other daycares had 10+ kids per teacher. I figured he'd get more personalized attention with a smaller daycare. He seems to like it a lot, to the point that he doesn't want to leave sometimes. My husband pays 80% of the bill because he earns 4 times what I make. I pay the rest.

Also we haven't had the chance to hire a babysitter for those times we want to have a date night. I refuse to pay a sitter more than $20 an hour because that's more than what I make, lol. We simply have our date nights at home now after the kid goes to bed. If we get desperate we may call either my parents or one of my husband's friends. I don't have any friends of my own.
@987abc We pay $22/hour for a babysitter in a median COL area. I've never gone away overnight. I'd probably call or text and check in if I was gone more than a couple hours. And we have cameras in kiddo's bedroom but not elsewhere in the house.