How many times do you change diapers at night?


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My LO is 7weeks old and EBF. she normally eats every 2 hours but will sometimes get in at least one 3 hour stretch in the middle of the night. We usually go to bed at around 9-10 and wake up at 8:30-9am.

I usually change her diaper at 2am, and 6am but if I hear her go poop I’ll change it then. Should I be changing her diaper more often? I used to change her diaper right before every feeding when she was 0-5 weeks old but at around the 5-6 week mark I noticed her diapers weren’t containing that much pee. As in she only peed once sometimes no pee at all. So now I’m curious at how often everyone else is changing diapers in the middle of the night
@preston055 Around 2 months, when my baby wasn't pooping at night anymore, I stopped changing his diaper even when he asked for a feed.

He's 11 weeks now, still has some feeds at night, but not every night. His diaper is put on fresh after bath time and changed in the morning (about 10-12hrs depending).

Like you, I had noticed that his diaper wasn't that wet at night, I was changing him for no reason.
@preston055 At night time, at that age, we changed the diaper every time baby woke up for a feed. We EFF, so that was every 8-10 hours for us then. We had no issues. I did always make sure that before going down for bed every night baby would have a nice thick layer of Aquaphor on before putting the diaper on for the night.
@bigdave31 Yes, she slept through the night very very early. She started doing it around 5 weeks. Don’t worry though, she’s making up for it now at 10 months! Hasn’t slept through the night in 4 months. 😅
@preston055 Our guy is 8 weeks, I change him if his diaper is wet every time. He can REALLY pee, and I don't want to chance it. So anywhere from 2-4 times a night. We do bedtime at 8 and he wakes up at 5-530
@katrina2017 This is sometimes my thinking too! How often does your LO wake up at night? Have you noticed she sleeps longer when you just let her be? Before my lo used to wake up every hour so now that I’m getting 2-3 hours of sleep stretches I’m trying to get as much sleep as possible lol
@preston055 Mine is a pretty good sleeper most nights and usually wakes up 2 or 3 times, I find that changing her early in the night doesn't disrupt her sleep too much, but after ~5am she can get confused and think it's wake-up time, then it's much harder to get her back down!
@preston055 8 weeks and she's mostly stopped pooping at night. I'll change her most feeds when her nappy feels heavy but give it a miss if not. She usually wakes up 3-4 times per night now so ends up with 1-4 nappy changes depending on the night.
@preston055 8 week old wakes 3 times during the night. Exclusively breast feed. Recently fits into size 1 diapers and the last few days have not been changing overnight. Before I would change usually once but it was always harder to get him to go back to sleep. No poop overnight since 4 weeks old. So now no diaper changes overnight. Breastfeed and back to bassinet. I go back to work in a few weeks and being able to sleep and breastfeed are both very important to me.
@preston055 Almost 9 weeks here and we change every single wet or dirty diaper, but that is because LO will either scream or fidget so much she can’t stay latched if her diaper is even the tiniest bit wet or dirty. She doesn’t give us a choice!
@preston055 My little one is 6 weeks old and I do exactly what you do! Our schedule is just like yours. He’ll sleep until about 2am and we’ll change his diaper then feed him. We put him back to sleep by 2:30-2:45 and he wakes up around 6-7am. We change his diaper as soon as he wakes up and not after feeding him. He tends to fall right back to sleep after feeding.