How many kids after 35 have you had ?


New member
I am 35, will be 36 in the fall. I’d love to have 2-4, but I am wondering if I should just be happy I might get 1 baby. I was married later in life, so I am stating my child bearing years later….
@sandpapermartyr Sure. It's all in my post history if you want more details, but I had a truly awful pregnancy. I was dry heaving hundreds of times a day from 6 weeks pregnant until I gave birth (and that was with a LOT of anti-nausea medication). I just cannot put myself through that ever again.

My experience is extraordinarily rare, though.
@jack871 Did you get the speech about how your fertility drastically drops in your 30s? My doctors started pestering me about dropping fertility rates around 32. I had my two children at 36 and 40. I got pregnant way too easily, which is why I had my tubes tied the day after my son was born.