How long should dads take paternity leave if they can afford to?

@melmoth We avoided covid for two full years before she brought it home, hand foot and mouth made an appearance over the summer, and then RSV a few weeks back. She has one day of really bad symptoms for each and then just happy and normal until it's gone. Wife and I take weeks to get back to normal.
@benaiah2015 Having a baby in June. What would you do to prep if you were me:
1. Party and see friends - hear once you have a baby it’s lock down
2. Work out and focus on career - doubt I’m gonna work out or spend any extra time on work if I’m tired all the time
3. Get a side hustle and make a couple grand - get more take out and maybe someone to clean the house that first year
4. None of the above

My biggest regret about college was not going abroad and picking up a double major instead. I was broke and anxious but looking back on it 6mo in Barcelona with the homies would have been so worth it.
@otoolie Yeah, I think that’s his mindset too.
We’ve been having multiple safety nets but he doesn’t think it makes sense to miss out on any money. He would get 80% of his pay if he takes leave. I’ll still be helping with half the rent and paying for the groceries, budget wise we are good. He says the money is for her future and I don’t know what to say to that.
@sonnybaker Don’t say anything yet. You both need to figure it out when the time comes - he’s coming from a good place, but if you need his help in that moment - then you need to be vocal about it (while understanding how best to connect with him).
@otoolie Definitely, when the time comes I think it’ll be much easier for him to empathize and want to be present. I’ll ask him to keep an open mind for now in case I need help.

I’m sure he’d prefer letting his job know ahead of time but I don’t think he’ll ask for time off until he experiences it himself (probably literallyy once she’s out and in his arms lol)
@sonnybaker Exactly. Right now he wants to provide for her future, but I’d bet once she’s here and in his arms (and as he has to change some diapers/is low on sleep) he’ll realize that a few days at 80% pay is better for everyone in the long run.

Good luck to you both - we’re 6.5 weeks in to our first, and I’ve learned to take everything about 3 hours at a time. There are a lot of ups and downs, but the first few weeks it’s going to be more important than ever to focus on your communication with each other. You’ll both be stressed out, so making sure to work as a team is my only piece of advice.
@sonnybaker Okey im not american so we have different rules where I live.

For my first kid i stayed home with my wife for two weeks. We realised afterwards that it was far to short. Mostly because of ppd and colic.

So with our second child we planned that I would stay home for 2 month then work 50% for 2 months and after that be home full time for 2 months during summer.

It’s really hard to be left alone with an infant, specielly of its your first kid.

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