How long are your 2-3 month olds sleeping at night?


New member
I’ve been sleeping in the spare room and doing the night feeds because my husband operates heavy machinery at a sawmill and I’d rather him not be tired and make a careless/sleepy mistake at work. I truly don’t mind it, he picks up the slack when he’s home and does most of the nights during the weekend. When LO can do a 6 hour stretch of sleep consistently, I plan to move back into our bed with her bassinet in our room. Our other child is 6, so everything feels all new to me again.

How long are your babies sleeping at night? The longest she’s ever gone is 5 hours. Mostly it’s 3-4 hours at a time at night (she’s 7 weeks). I’m in no rush, I’m just curious how everyone else’s sweet babies are doing at night.
@saphlin Mine is 11 weeks. Got blessed and she started sleeping 6-8 hours on her own at 5 weeks, recently she’s started going for 8-12 hour overnight stretches. As long as she’s freshly fed, she’ll just go in the crib and sleep by herself after a bit without too much fuss. Maybe once or twice a week she’ll wake up once in the middle of the night for a feed.

I know I’m incredibly lucky and definitely won’t take it for granted, though I’m scared if I have another one, I’ll get the exact opposite to make up for it lol.
@saphlin My two month old (one month adjusted) is up every 3-4 hour for feedings. We do her 9pm then 12pm then 3am then 6am. Sometimes she will sleep 4-5 hours but rarely. I suspect because she’s premie and she’s still only 7lbs (born 3lbs 11oz).

We do the same as you! We sleep in separate rooms and alternate night shifts although my husband does the most. Can’t wait till we are back in the same room together and can watch movies before bed again.
@saphlin This is totally baby dependent. My first 2 never slept more than 30 mins. They’re 4 and 2 and still don’t sleep well.

My 3rd (3 months old) wakes up 1x per night to feed. But often sleeps through the night!
@saphlin My daughter is 7 weeks and she usually does a 3-5 hour stretch at first, and then 2.5 hour stretches after. Occasionally a second 3-4hr stretch! I'm happy with it. I have friends with babies this age who wake up every hour yet and I can't imagine
@vermillion This is my 3 month old’s schedule! He started this schedule around 6 or 7 weeks and had stuck to it lol every once in awhile he’ll throw in a 6-8 hour stretch if he’s feeling generous