How do I tell my antivax parents I’m getting the vaccine?

@alessandra Dude, just do it and don't tell them! They can't see this clearly, there's no need to stress yourself out more because you want to be honest with them. Withholding information isn't technically lying, either. You're just protecting yourself! This is coming from someone who has a family very similar to yours
@alessandra You don't. With people like this it's better to just get it and don't tell them. Book another appointment or pretend to, then ask for it while you're there. When asked by parents, say it was another shot you needed to get.
@alessandra Don't. Without wanting to sound patronising, and sorry if I do, but part of entering the adult world is realising that the person you're most accountable to, and for, is yourself (at least until you're a parent).

Sometimes this will involve awkward conversations or decisions that will be unavoidable. They'll suck, and you'll learn how to handle them when you've no choice but to, but in many cases there will be the option to at least try for the path of least resistance, like you have here.

You don't have to announce it, so don't.
@carolj471 You can really tell the anti-vax crowd is down voting everything, huh?

Jumping on this bandwagon to agree. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for medical health decisions. If you don’t want to lie to them, avoid the topic and tell them the doctor took care of it. If you really want to avoid fall back, just get the shot, finish the religious exemption paperwork, and just don’t turn it in. Ultimately, do what’s in your best interest.
@alessandra You don't need to tell them anything. It's awesome that you are medically aware and sad you had to be brought up in a unaware house. Most of my family are antivax and both my children and I got it.
@alessandra Why do you feel like you need to get the vaccine? You should listen to your parents, they always want what’s best for you and they might have more information on the vaccines than you think.
@alessandra I’m not a supporter of the Covid vaxx atm due to no long term studies - HOWEVER it’s your medical health so why do you need to share this with them at all? You’re legally an adult, they don’t need to know.
@catholicmagus man by the time there are long term studies covid will mutate enough the vaccine will need to change, you get a flu shot without long term studies, and the flu shot is different each year
@katrina2017 It already is outdated. It was designed for a strain 5 variants ago. Does nothing for Omicron so there is no positive risk/benefit ratio. All risk. The only reason anyone is still talking about it is because pharma needs more money and people like you still enjoy an unjustified sense of righteousness and superiority over other people.
@katrina2017 I didnt say you didnt! Idgaf if you do or don’t - that’s not what this post is about. If you want to argue, find somebody else. I don’t waste time arguing on the internet with complete strangers. Have a good one and I hope your flu shot pans out well for you :)