How do I tell my antivax parents I’m getting the vaccine?

@neeneeg You'RE

Really not hard to understand that there is a difference between Your and You're... Google is free for every one people
@alessandra your an adult, they cant enforce shit on you about vaccines, can they?

since you most likely will be sick for a few days after, can you do a sleepover at a friends house or smth like that so they wont know? If they do find out your sick, then shits gonna hit the fan. if they dont know your sick, they might be encouraged to get the vaccines they need.

i wouldnt tell them
@alessandra If you’re going to tell them at all don’t do it until you’re fully vaccinated. My mil is very vocally antivax and was mad at us for getting it, but by the time she knew it’s like we had it months ago and are perfectly fine. She thought we were “lucky” to have no side effects that we “know about”. By that far after what can she really do. It’s your choice and you’ll be just fine. At that point her talking about the vaccine would only harm your relationship as you can’t undo it. So hopefully she has the tact to let it go. But seriously it is your choice and you don’t owe anyone an explanation about that.
@alessandra Sorry but your mum is badly educated and an idiot. You’re an adult, you’re making a good choice based on solid evidence and research. So good on you for making this one of your first adult decisions! As an adult you do not need to tell her anything. If she asks just tell her you did some research and made the decision for yourself. Or tell her it’s non of her business. Good on you though. Well done
@alessandra Don't tell them, just lie. It's for your safety. Think of it as a "white lie" (sorry for the racist idiom, I just haven't learned any better way to phrase it). Parents lie to their kids all the time: my mom used to tell me that if I didn't shower a skunk would crawl into my bed and sleep with me. It was a lie but it was for my safety, so I wouldn't get sick due to poor higiene. Think of lying to them about the vaccine like a lie a parent tells to protect their kids. By getting the vaccine you will protect your parents, you'll be less likely to develop any harmfull form of covid if you happen to contract it and also less likely to pass it on them. Plus, if your classes are not going to be online, there's a chance you will be at risk. Just get the vaccine, tell your parents you filled the religious excuse form and lie your ass off.
@alessandra You're 18 now thank God and much more legal freedom that cannot be taken away by your parents. I suggest telling them after you get it because there will be absolutely nothing they can do about it.
@alessandra Right now your problem is how to tell some uneducated people that you want to be protected... These are the same people who are against child birth pills and condoms...

Don't tell them, they will never understand and will blame you for their stupidity and might disown you.
@alessandra Sometimes you just don’t have to say a single thing. This is one of those times. Also hurray you are an adult! Now your medical history is just yours, your parents don’t need to know about your vaccine appointment.

You can fill out the form( trash it somewhere else not at home)
@alessandra Yes, you’re an adult, yes you can make your own decisions. But may I just applaud you for the respect you have for your parents. Reading this as a parent makes me wish my daughter will be just as considered as you.

If you can tell them, based on the respect you clearly have for them, the why and how you have come to the conclusion it’s in your best interest, that will help your parents. If you can tell them that you genuinely looked at both sides of the story, considered your risk of Covid vs vaccine injury in your age group, etc. seems to me the best way to go.

But again; thanks for being you. Just a beautiful question, wishing you all the best with your decision.
@alessandra You don't. With people like this it's better to just get it and don't tell them. Book another appointment or pretend to, then ask for it while you're there. When asked by parents, say it was another shot you needed to get.