@allfree15 I kept thinking “ok, if it’s this bad next week, I’ll break the feeding to sleep association”
Our sleep progression has definitely NOT been linear. But I feed to sleep still at 9 months. I know he CAN sleep for 7 hours because he does it from time to time.
With my first she didn’t feed to sleep (she didn’t like breastfeeding), and it was much harder having to rock her etc.
If it’s a problem for you, then gradual withdrawal is supposed to work. Feed to drowsy then settle to sleep in your arms. Then feed but not to drowsy, and settle in your arms, or the cot. Find a variation that works for you.
But honestly, what has helped me second time, is knowing that it will get better, but it will be a roller coaster to get there! So I enjoy the good nights, but I don’t expect them. Then I’m not disappointed. And honestly, being able to feed to sleep can be really, really useful!