How did y’all potty train multiples?

@matt97 Ah ok. Ours are just over 2.5; one seems ready the other not. Been tough to stick to it w the one when we go out, etc when the other doesnt have to (stop playing to sit, etc). We’re waiting a bit w our son and kinda slowed w our daughter. She uses the potty at home a bit but not much outside of home, she gets super resistant when we ask her to take a quick break when we go outside or have friends over, go visit family, etc.
@devonte Yeah, it’s so tough to figure out when to start. We have boy/girl twins as well. They were actually not interested in the slightest either time we tried leading up to the day we started. They wouldn’t even sit on a potty or look at it.

When we tried the second time, we waited until their vocabulary got better, so they had a clearer way to express themselves. And we just ripped off the bandaid. And we’re like we are not using diapers after X day and stuck with it.

Our son wasn’t even sort of interested the first few hours that first day and cried for his diaper. But my daughter peed on the potty and got a mini chocolate chip cookie from Trader Joe’s and he was JEALOUS lol so sibling rivalry helped us as he wanted what she got, so he peed then too. I feel like she definitely led the way for him on it it. On his own, he would have been content to use a diaper forever lol it’s interesting how different they can be!
@matt97 Nice! Thanks for the insight, i really appreciate it. It’s been a bit confusing knowing what’s right for them. Ultimately i think waiting a bit more my son to be a little more aware of himself going/needing to go will help him. He just doesnt care at all yet and seems to not even realize it’s happening, which is ok. He’s pretty articulate (for 2.5) so we thought it would go the opposite way, but our daughter is def more interested in socially progressing if that makes sense. She mimics like everything my wife does, it’s very cool to see.
@peace608 The first time we tried, they were showing signs that they were ready, it became very frustrated in the first few days. We waited a few more months and both of them got it immediately. My spouse and I are both teachers, so it made sense for us to do it during school breaks.
@peace608 Wait until both or one is showing interest and able to go on the potty. Then start doing the potty at regular intervals. Pants off method doesn't work for everyone and not everyone is down with getting pee/poop on the floor. I certainly wasn't okay with that and my kids hated it. One potty trained traditionally (showed signs of readiness, steady progression) and the other decided she was done with diapers one day, pulled on some underwear and never looked back. Both were under 3 at the time (2.5 and 2 yrs 8 months)
@peace608 Mine were unintentionally one at a time. One twin was ready, the other had no interest. Twin B trained about 6 months earlier than A.

When we did initially try both, we just kept two potties.
@peace608 I did this for our twins a few(??) months ago! We used the 3 day method from Lucie’s list and did it over a 3 day holiday weekend. I was super skeptical it would work but it was night and day after that weekend!!!!! Day 1, I was about to give up by 930am but by 1030am, things started clicking. You got this!
@peace608 We are still in potty training, but toward the middle/end (they rarely have accidents during the day but we haven’t potty trained naps/nights).

For the most part, daycare took the lead and we followed. They potty train 2 kids at a time chosen based on who is the most ready. One twin was ready sooner than the other, so we potty trained one at a time. We offered every hour to try going potty and eventually they started asking us to go potty rather than us needing to offer all the time.

We hyped up their new underwear, how they were big kids and in the beginning they got a small treat (like a chocolate chip or a mini marshmallow) for trying. We slowly weaned off the bribes as they got further in the process.
@peace608 We tried and miserably failed the Oh Crap method back in February.

Easter weekend, we decided to throw one twin (the one who showed more readiness) in just underwear. And it’s been that way ever since. She’s been doing great with pee, poop is hit or miss🥴 and if we’re out of the house past an hour she’ll for sure have an accident but 🤷🏻‍♀️

Not even focusing on my other twin until probably after her 3rd birthday in July. She’s just not there emotionally/mentally yet. And for my mental health it’s so much easier focusing on one at a time.
@peace608 Ima chime in with my singleton experience, knowing that twins are different and boys vs girls are different.

We were super motivated to potty train my singleton girl around 22m so that she was out of diapers before our twins arrived. We tried to using the oh crap no undies method and that backfired so bad. She held it until she had a total breakdown on me peeing and crying on my lap on the kitchen floor for over an hour. We decided to stop and waited it out. The next window was after the twins were born at 2y7.5m and my god! She took to it like no problem using the same method.

I think there’s something to waiting until they are accepting and “ready” but not delaying it too much. The second time around, she had watched her classmates do it which also helped. C