Holy shit, I might be sterile..

@ka__f She has an appointment on Thursday to check CD21 hormone levels, and I'll probably do another SA within a month to make sure it wasn't a test error. If nothing changes, I'll visit a urologist and we'll go from there.
@tombaux I'm assuming that you are not aware of one or both testes not being descended at birth, correct?

I'm far from a doctor but hopefully what you noticed about translucency is all that it is, and it was just a bad ejaculate.

If it is something that requires fixing (which is good! It means it can be fixed!) there almost certainly has to be a way that they can dose you to put you at ease (or out) for a procedure. It may cost more if that's not part of the standard, but may be worth it for you.

I wouldn't even think about #3 right now. I'm sure it's not easy to ignore, but the first two really seem the more probable.
@tombaux Just checking but you did the less than 5 days more than 2 days since last ejaculation right? I know that every time DH and I go in for IUI they stress that.
@parkertrace I know... I was just

Throwing that out there. Could have

Been a mix of things.

[sup]-[/sup] [sup]Skwishums[/sup]

[sup][sup]I'm[/sup][/sup] [sup][sup]a[/sup][/sup] [sup][sup]bot[/sup][/sup] [sup][sup]made[/sup][/sup] [sup][sup]by[/sup][/sup] [sup][sup]/@raisingthedead.[/sup][/sup] [sup][sup]I[/sup][/sup] [sup][sup]detect[/sup][/sup] [sup][sup]haiku.[/sup][/sup]
@tombaux I'm sorry you got these results, I know first-hand how much it sucks.

I don't want to scare you guys with our story, but my husband got the same results as you and it actually turned out to be testicular cancer. He had a more rare form of testicular cancer (extragonadal germ cell tumor) that may have been causing his infertility (I'm not sure if it's common to become infertile from testicular cancer), but the good news is that after two surgeries and 3 months of chemo therapy he became cancer free and is likely to be fertile again! So although the situation in itself was incredibly scary, I'm sort of glad we had fertility issues (my flair describes our process post cancer), because we wouldn't have known about his cancer otherwise.

But I really hope you don't have cancer, man. It involves A LOT more needles than infertility treatment.
@tombaux My husband has it too and we had no idea to expect that. Once we found out from an SA we met with an RE and he did bloodwork (hormones & genetics) and we meet with the Urologist on Tuesday. Hormones came back fine but genetics showed Y chromosome deletion which causes no sperm. He has the 1 (of 3) type that does actually have the chance to create sperm, it just doesn't get released. We're expecting/hoping Urologist thinks he'll be able to find sperm via TESE. If that's the case and he does, then we'll hopefully be a contender for IVF with ICSI.
@tombaux Hey spacenut. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I have been following your journey on here for a long time. Definitely second the suggestion of booking in with a urologist. We have an appointment coming up next week after low numbers.

In case the worries have even entered your mind...Finding out about my husband's low count shocked me but it did not change my love or attraction to him at all. I see this as our fertility journey, and it makes no difference to me whose "fault" it is. I am sure your partner feels the same.

Wishing you all the best ❤️

Edit autocorrect
@katrina2017 Seconded. We don't have a confirmed diagnosis of MFI yet but I love that man to the moon and back swimmers or no. Together we will work to overcome the challenges we've been handed. As always.