heart palpitations 2 months pp

@katbrat Does the dizziness come when you stand up? Could be POTS.
Heart rate is a little high for resting. Definitely follow up with cardiology. They will/should give you a holter monitor for you to wear a few days to see if you have any “episodes” and see what’s going on with your heart. They probably already did an echo (ultrasound of your heart) at the hospital, but the cardiologist may do their own just to be sure and see what is going on with the inside of your heart (valves, blood flow, and etc.). Pregnancy does affect the heart and some women end up with certain issues due to pregnancy. I’m sorry and I hope it does get better.
Also, like others are saying doesn’t hurt to get your thyroid checked as well!
@roystewart okay. thank you. a lot of people have told me about POTS now.. I do have a lot of the symptoms. yes it comes when I stand up for about 5-10 mins. and the dizziness will start.