He left us

@jnb2 I'm so proud of you, you're going to do great! I know it's hard and scary but you will be ok! Make sure you're communicating through text so you have a record of all conversations for court.
@jnb2 Change the locks! He's couch surfing with friends who will soon get sick of his freeloading ways and he WILL try to come back. Don't let him. And try to get the car back 😤
@jnb2 Bromo, I’m sorry you put up with this for so long but I’m happy that he finally set you free. You need to get a lawyer asap to finalize the divorce and set up formal custody.
@jnb2 Life will get infinitely better for you now that you have one less "kid". You were already single parenting but it was worse because you had an extra mouth to feed who was someone you should have been able to rely on to make your life easier but couldn't. Now you just worry about taking care of yourself and your son. You've got this mama. It might not feel that way now but in my experience it gets easier.
@jnb2 What a piece of dirt! Awful! Mama you will do some much better! Apply for assistance for now and get some food! I can’t believe what you’ve done. Now you’ll do it for you and your baby. “He’s loaded” I hope you told the cop that. And good for you for getting the car back. He’s got a lot of nerve!!
@jnb2 I am glad both families see who he is and support you. I am sorry for how he went about it, but you are on your way to better times. Way to go on getting the car back and sending you all the best as you move forward.
@jnb2 As a single parent, I have to say you’ve been single parenting all along. You’ve dropped the dead weight and good riddance. You’ve got this!
@jnb2 Your world just got rocked, but lady you sound like you have your @&$! together! You didn’t let him run you over about the car, you freaking show up with the police and retrieve it. That’s how you get things done. Seriously, impressed. I think you’re my hero!
@jnb2 Your family is right. Under no circumstances. What a strong and loving mom you are to be supporting your son and looking out for him. I’m excited for what comes next for you without this dead weight ❤️
@jnb2 Considering you got that car back, girl you've got balls. You're going to be just fine. Stay safe though, I'm officially the warner of men losing their mind and going manic and I'll spare you my soapbox lecture today because you seem to sense it. It's no joke, see if you can enlist his family to get him some help. Also, sell that car asap. If you can't do that, at least get the locks changed on it and hide it.
@jnb2 Single parenting is easier than what you've been through. Co-parenting with trash is harder. Get some legal advice and custody sorted asap. Good luck, you're life is about to get so much better!