Baby Solely Turning Head to Left

@emilyjackt Our baby boy used to only look right and lay on the right side of his head. We brought our issues up to the pediatrician very early on and they suggested rolling a towel up and placing it under his side when he sleeps, so his head lays flat. This did nothing, he would wiggle until he could turn his head back, and caused me lots of stress about having something in bed with him.

So, we took matters into our own hands and started going to the chiropractor around 6 weeks old, then PT at 2 months, and now an osteopath. He has torticollis and plagiocephaly despite lots of stretching and exercises. He also struggled with breastfeeding due to tight tongue and jaw muscles. We've been seeing a lactation consultant since 6 weeks ago gave us exercises and stretches too. We've had him checked by MANY various docs for lip and tongue tie, but they say it's not that. He's 3.5 months old now and definitely getting better from all of our efforts, but still has a noticeable right preference. Our osteopath said he used to work in a hospital with babies right from birth, and I wish we had him right away.

I've never heard of CMT and just googled it. I think my boy could definitely have this. He was in the exact same position from our 28 week ultrasound on. (Had extra scans due to growth concerns.) He was always on the right side of my body with his head and butt always in the same spot. I could feel his butt and back on my right side for the entire time that I could feel him. My chiropractor was always surprised when I laid down to see how much he favored my right side. I had round ligament pain on my right side from week 24 until birth. When I see the CMT pictures, his tilt is a less severe version, and you can feel and see the tightness in his neck.