Having a toddler while pregnant is so rough, can I just complain?


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I’m 9 weeks pregnant with a 17 month old. I’m nauseas all day, and vomit 3-5 times a day. Definitely not the worst, but it’s wearing on me. I work full time, which is so hard right now, but I’m so grateful my son has childcare right now because I am a pile of crap every evening and weekend.

I’m not anti screen time, but I really do limit it usually. Like some weekends we don’t watch any at all. I’m sure we are at 2-3 hours a day right now.

My husband hasn’t been cooking much because the smell makes me sick. Which means my kid is eating a lot of pb and j, bananas, crackers, purée pouches.

My husband is doing his best but he has to take the house and dog slack.

For those who are SAHM and pregnant… I don’t know how you’re surviving.
@infomommax You can definitely complain! My toddler just came and dropped a toy on my head and it hurt. I'm tired and he is a lot to deal with and I'm not even pregnant.

Also for the record I think 1.5 to 2 years old is the worst. I love my kids so much but each one of them has been a holy terror around 18 months!
@infomommax i was in survival mode my first trimester and my daughter was 9 at the time. i felt so bad because i wasn’t cooking at all and sleeping so much she was by herself in front of a screen all day. but it passes, you start to feel better, and you return to your normal eventually.

if your toddler has some extra screen time but it gives you more time to rest, i feel like thats a perfectly fair trade off for the time being. you son won’t mind a few more peanut butter and jelly’s and pouches either!

we have this mom guilt sometimes where we want to live up to our own standards and feel bad when can’t. it’s hard to relax and let that go but sometimes we have to do that to focus on ourselves for a little while and that’s completely okay!
@infomommax Man only in the context of pregnancy do people say things like “yeah I’m puking 3-5 times a day and I know that’s not the worst but…”

That objectively sucks! It’s ok to admit that that objectively sucks! Just because some folks puke more doesn’t make pumping multiple times a day every day less objectively shitty, Especially as a toddler mom at the same time. Hang in there!
@infomommax Oh you poor thing! No, you don’t have to go through it like this. I never took anything against nausea in my first pregnancy, now with taking care of a toddler I simply don’t have the choice. Do you know unison? It’s completely safe and saved my ass. Consider it! 3-5 times vomiting a day is not LITTLE, but by any standard x
@bible_mum I’m taking Zofran, but it doesn’t seem to be effective for long. I tried the B6 and Unisom which didn’t work well my last pregnancy either. It’s rough lol
@infomommax My doc recommended reglan for nausea and then that and Tylenol in my 2nd tri for headaches/migraines. I’m an RN and I’ll tell you reglan is great bc it also promotes GI motility, so it can help with the constipation. Talk to your OB tell them what you’re experiencing including the stress. They need to know these things and they may have helpful solutions or support. Also, (not saying your are, but just in case) postpartum depression can start in pregnancy. Stress and anxiety can trigger it. If you are heading down that road or are already there, tell your OB. Therapy can help and they can offer coping mechanisms. Pregnancy is overwhelming. Toddlers are overwhelming. Together it’s a lot. Don’t forget to ask for help, & not just from your spouse. Maybe family or friends could give you guys a break to nap, catch up with each other, or on chores one weekend.
@infomommax I heard that for some reason for some women it doesn’t work. That’s awful, I would honestly keep trying to find one which does work. What you are going through right now is torture - it’s harder than hard. Full time job, toddler and pregnant are three jobs basically. Don’t worry about the screen time, this is an exceptional time and you do what you have to do to survive the day. There are kids out there that get that 8 hours Tv just because the parents are lazy. You’re doing your best!
@infomommax So sorry mama! I'm in a similar boat over here. Vomiting 3-5 times a day is HG territory (i have HG). There are additional medication options. Does your OB have a hydration/IV center? I get IV fluids and vitamins 2x/week. Definitely talk to your doctor about additional medication/treatment. You don't have to live like this!