Hair tournequettes are a thing! Be aware!

@tecumsehmaverick I shed a lot of hair, so at every diaper change I always make sure to check my infant sons penis to make sure there aren't any hairs wrapped around it...I've heard so many horror stories..for some reason I never thought to check his toes! Luckily he's never had any wrapped around anything, but I will remember to check every so often now.
@inorth It can also happen from doing laundry. Your hair can get tucked into the toes of the onesies and wrap around their toes at any time. When I took a Safe Sitter course at 13, a decade ago now, this was mentioned, and I never forgot. When I started nannying 2 years ago, I always made sure to check their toes at diaper change
@cifaclub This happened to a pair of socks I didn’t check and when I was nursing my son his socks were wet from being outside I took them off and a hair spider had wrapped around two toes. I now check footies and socks
@inorth Same here. I keep a lint roller in the diaper table so I can remove the hair from my shirt before I change him. I’m cursed with having a ton of hair.
@romashka I've seen the suggestion and thought the same, but I suppose if it came down to a wee rash on my lil ones skin or the whole thing falling off, we can deal with the rash however we need to!
@romashka I’m sure it is, but it’s also an emergency situation. I would probably choose irrigators skin over an amputated toe or a severe cut trying to cut the hair off.
@imepv7 I've seen recommendations for calendula oil or something else slippery to help loose up tightly wrapped hair. That helps avoid the risk of a chemical burn/rash. You can also use the oil as a barrier on baby's skin then use the Nair if oil alone doesn't help.
@imepv7 Stylist here. I DO NOT recommend using Nair for this. Chemical burns are no joke and are way more likely to become infected and leave scaring that a cut caused by trying to cut it off. I work with these chemicals and would never ever put this on an infants skin.