Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life


New member
I’ll give y’all a recap of the most recent episode. My baby (16 weeks) is sick with bronchiolitis and a double ear infection. All the fever and crying and fun stuff that comes with it. I have not eaten today. I have not showered today. I have done nothing but count breaths and watch for fever spikes today. And y’all, this woman messages me asking why I didn’t “like” her fb posts. Let me copy paste the message.

“Are you not talking to me or something? You all of the sudden stopped liking my comments and I don't know what I did wrong. I love you and I always will. I just wish you and I could have a good relationship.”

Like what the crap!?

Edit to add: yall, thank you so much for the support! This is a common reoccurrence with her. She’s super jealous of my step mom and my dad’s relationship with me. She can’t stand that I like them more cause “she raised me alone” hardly counts as raising your kid when you lay on the couch all day and night collecting wellfair and refusing to even take them to band practice so they lose there first chair position and the ability to play and March on the field during football season. Meanwhile my dad always made sure I had what I need and she can’t stand that. We moved 3 states away from her and I keep her at arms length for the most part. We are already very low contact. And have gone no contact before when she lied to me by saying she didn’t have bed bugs and my then 9 year old daughter called me crying to come get her because she saw bed bugs and my own mother told her not to call and tell me. Like what the fuck? You’d rather expose my child and my home to bed bugs, then take care of the problem? Ugh. I can’t with her.
@abelthecomp After having my child, I had to block my parents on social media. I got the same shit from my mother about not “liking” her comments and posts and claiming other people ask her about it and it’s “humiliating”. I didn’t know if she was jealous of the attention I was giving the baby or what, but it was so crazy the amount of times I had to talk her down and assure her things were fine and that I was just busy with a newborn.
@abelthecomp They didn’t have social media when they were parents so I have to assume they’re ignorant, even though I’d also like to assume it should be common sense to not be so self centered.

My MIL doesn’t have good social media boundaries either so I feel for you.
@abelthecomp Because some of them barely did the bare minimum so they don’t truly understand how hard it is to go above and beyond for your kids. You’re doing great momma.
@blessedhope0318 lol, my mother would post "woe is me" messages/pictures and then call to ask if I had seen it. I always just said no. She asked if I would go look at it and I'd say no, I wasn't very active on social media and I was *sure *if there was anything she wanted me to see or know she would just tell me or send it to me directly. Oddly enough she never did. After a while she stopped posting on social media entirely.
@mrlutrinae Lol it’s not even that far for an Uber it’s a little NJ town not NYC. Today I asked her if her and my dad could take my kids to see my aunt and uncle like 45 mins away cuz I have to get my car worked on on Monday she like laughs and goes “I don’t want that responsibility”
@nt4maximusd I don’t have a village so I feel you. My mil always offers but when the time comes she only has limited times that we can’t even use or she is busy. Really sucks because she’s always available for her other grand kid, not the same but I feel you :(
@abelthecomp I block my parents and in laws on social media. They cannot handle any social media in a healthy way. If they want to talk to us and be in our lives they have to call or visit and I’m glad it’s infrequently. I told them I deleted it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I occasionally email cute pictures. That’s PLENTY lol. My MIL used to comment the most unnecessary hateful shit on my photos and my life became so much better when I blocked her! I wish I had done it years earlier!