Giving vitamin D + K


New member
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for how to give newborns their daily vitamin D + K. I have a bottle of oil but it's hard to get it into their mouths and if I get it in they often dribble it out!
Can you put it in their milk? What's the easiest?
@schinokefalos My girl takes both her probiotic and vit d drops without issue from the dropper now but when she was first born I would put the Vit D on my nipple for her when she latched. Another option would be to wash your hands and put it right on your finger so she can suck on that or a pacifier
@schinokefalos Make sure you check the pacifier for (hairline) cracks daily and change it out every 6-ish weeks. If you’re using a latex pacifier do not put the drops on it as oil breaks down natural rubber latex and you will have a choking hazard.
@schinokefalos Our pediatrician recommended putting the drop into their bottles and they has worked out for us. We add the drop after warming up the milk and the oil blends in well that way
@schinokefalos We have them in tablet form and put it on a spoon and add breast milk to it. Baby then licks the spoon and eats it all up. (Obviously you need to do it when the baby is awake and hungry… we made the mistake of doing it too late in the day a few times…)