General Chat 12/5

@fasthello I didn't want to make a new post so I'll summarize my experience at the gender reveal here. Most guests did not wear the suggested colors (mint green/light pink). The parents of the party didn't know any details so I give them a pass on these weird demands, haha - the party was hosted by their closest friends and details were kept a secret. They got the reveal done right at the beginning of the party, phew! It was a balloon that they popped filled with pink confetti. I got to hold 2 babies, so that was a joy! :) All in all, it wasn't awful, but I will never do this type of party.
@ka__f I don't plan on ever having a reveal party, either. DH and I agreed that we'll probably keep the sex and name of our future kids a secret from everyone until the day they're born. Too many people have too much negative shit to say about those topics.
@mesta831 This is my exact plan! I don't agree with assigning a gender identity at birth. My daughter might want to play baseball and my son might do ballet. I hate the concept of "blue vs pink" and plan on asking for gender neutral clothing and baby gear. Don't get me wrong, a little tutu and monster stuff will be adorable, but to get them nothing but boys' versus girls' clothes irritates me for some reason, maybe because I'm a born tomboy and hated being told "you're a girl" all the time when I played sports and wanted to wear pants instead of skirts.
@jesusrwaldron I'm thinking of filling the nursery with sea creatures regardless of the baby's sex. They won't give a damn for several years, so we might as well decorate with something we want to look at!
@mesta831 I'm either going to do pirates/sailing because my senior history thesis in college was on British piracy in the 1800s and I'm obsessed; I also love to boat. I might also do a woodlands theme with a lot of trees and green. Who knows.
@jesusrwaldron I have a few dozen crocheted sea creature that I wanted to devote a room to so I could make it look like an ocean exhibit. But our house is on the smaller side, so I figured it would be great nursery decor since I made everything bright colors that aren't necessarily "natural" colors for those animals.
@jesusrwaldron I did a red and blue pirate themed basket for a friend who was having a little girl this summer. Everyone thought I was off my rocker or didn't get the memo on the baby's sex. Literally everything else was pink and frilly :(