Frustrated, so mostly venting


New member
Hi! I'm currently 12 weeks (13 on Monday) and my experience with getting seen by a doctor has been extremely frustrating. I saw my primary when I was 8 weeks along and that was to confirm by urine test and submit a referral for an OB. (My primary doctor refers out for OBGYN since they don't have one in their office.) Where I was referred requires a positive pregnancy test by blood before they'll even schedule with an OB. I did that, played phone tag for a few days, and was finally able to get scheduled. I'm considered high risk (I'm 38 yo), so she said I'll see a nurse practitioner first. They didn't have an opening until May 30th. At that point I will be 15.5 weeks along. She did tell me I'm on the waitlist for any cancelations but people tend to no show for their OB appointments, not cancel. I'm trying not to stress, but it's hard. This is my first pregnancy. I just got my first ultrasound this past Thursday. It was supposed to be a couple of weeks ago, but they had the wrong orders on file, so they couldn't see me. Also, my husband couldn't come back with me because it's "hospital policy" that only the patient goes back there. I cried walking out of there when we first went since he couldn't come back and because the ultrasound didn't happen. Ugh. Also, so many people are asking me questions about medical stuff that I guess I would have answers to this far along since the assumption would be that I've had an appointment by now. I try not to show my frustration when asked, but it's so hard not to. Anyway, all of that to ask, has anyone else had an experience like this? How do you calm your nerves?
@wisaak Find another OB in your insurance network and ask your primary for a referral to the OB of your choice.
It's a pain, but you deserve a higher standard of care than being pushed around & neglected.
@addisonclark I didn't know this was an option! She told me she can only refer to who is contracted with and when I called who I wanted, they told me they're not contracted with my primary, so they couldn't take it. What tf 😑
@wisaak That seems strange, you should be able to check your insurance and use any provider in your insurance network.
It may be worth calling your insurance carrier and asking them if you even need a referral and how best to go about getting one to a different provider since your primary is being difficult.
@wisaak I’m confused. Have you had an ultrasound yet? I would personally be finding another doctor. Dating ultrasounds are most accurate before 14 weeks. I can’t believe they’re asking you to wait until almost 16 weeks for your first scan.
@wisaak i’m not sure where you’re located. but if you have a local planned parenthood (or something similar) sometimes they can do confirmation ultrasounds!
@wisaak I would find a new OB with availability by 10/11 weeks at the latest and have your primary redo the referral for that OB. You could still keep your current appointment as well in case something falls through.
@xpectsuccess Right but your primary care doctor does all the early checkups, blood tests, orders ultrasounds etc. It sounds like OP hasn't gotten any proper appointments or ultrasounds?
@flogger What is standard then I thought you get an ultrasound at 8 weeks, 12 weeks and 20. I have also gotten all my needed blood tests plus extra for my rh negative blood. I am very confused but I am also very tired right now and have pregnancy brain lol 😅