Forced to wean off breastfeeding


New member
If this has happened to you can you let me know how you got through it because I am so depressed right now. My daughter is 9m we just finished mediation today and came up with a parenting plan. Anyways hes going to start trying overnights in August. And since he will be getting her in the morning and she's sleeping over I won't get her till the evening the next day which means she will be gone 2 days without me at 1yr and 5 months old. Shes been with me most if not all of the time because he doesn't ask to see her very much. Anyways I didn't notice it till I got home and now I'm realizing it will probably cause her to wean earlier than she would have. She is starting full days at her dads house in April right after her birthday. Week A: 2 days, Week B: 2 days, and on repeat. So 2, 3 2, 3 etc. But im just getting really depressed because I love breastfeeding its so special and I always had the idea in my head we would go till she stopped naturally but now its almost being forced. I'm a wreck:/ I know there is worse situations out there and I'm lucky to have had her all to myself till now but I can't help feeling sad.
@bethelight Yes, I was forced to wean off breastfeeding. It was incredibly depressing because I cherished that bond. Even though I could still breastfeed her on the days when she was with me, she lost interest once she started doing overnights with her dad (16 months old)
@stmarien I'm sorry ❤ I've came to the realization its a really common sacrifice mothers have to make when co-parenting but its still very heart wrenching. I'm trying not to think about it too much and just cherish the time I have with nursing her
@stmarien Well for me the mother is trying to wean, mainly I feel cause she thinks bottle feeding is all a hassle.

My baby son gets excited and loves bottle feeds, playing with the fabric of my shirt or the dangly bits on my winter hoodie.

It's sad I missed so many bottle feeds cause of my selfish ex.
@bethelight For what it’s worth, my daughter started overnights at like 15 months of age and it made her want to nurse even more because she was so attached to me. She ended up nursing for almost three years despite multiple nights in a row with her dad. I was worried about early weaning, too! And it ended up going on for way longer than I wanted lol