Forced to wean off breastfeeding

@ianwithers Basically where I was at.. is a judge doesn't give a crap about breastfeeding and would've given her to him for a full week on and off without blinking an eye. At least this way I kept it off for a while but its still saddening
@bethelight my heart aches for you. I am seriously avoiding doing custody agreements w court until my babe is weaned and can do overnights. we tried once and it did not go well. and with all the changes that came w the separation, my heart literally could not take that as well.

hugs to you .. hoping ur babe still wants to feed
@angelina22 Thank you! My lawyer and everyone told me "everything is whats best for the baby" but it seemed like when I got to mediation everyone was more focused on "what the father DESERVES" than what our baby is actually ready for. Everything I have read regarding child psychology/co-parenting repeatedly said to wait till the child can comprehend and understand time, like "today", "tomorrow", etc. Before starting overnights at the other parents house so its less traumatizing. But no one actually cares because the father "deserves" it i guess. Which luckily we wrote in the parenting plan that if she cries all night and has a horrible time then we will wait and try again but a lot of people don't think of doing that. I really do want him to have her as much as he can, but sometimes they forget how fast this time goes by. She's not going to want to breastfeed and be close to me at night very much longer but they have no patience and want to do it asap. Its really sad. I do have a lot of empathy and put myself in his shoes so I do understand wanting the over-night thing. But I also have the most empathy for my child and thats what makes me nervous about it but it might go well and its not till August so she will be over a year old. I'm really hoping she takes it good for both their sakes.
@bethelight It's totally possible to partially wean. They can get their full nutrition from food and just comfort nurse. I wasn't forced to wean because of separation, but I went back to work when my kid was just shy of 1y, and the bottle wasn't working well enough to get sufficient nutrition from it, and pumping wasn't worth the hassle when my kid wouldn't drink any of it. But we didn't fully wean until about 19 months.
@bethelight For what it’s worth, my daughter started overnights at like 15 months of age and it made her want to nurse even more because she was so attached to me. She ended up nursing for almost three years despite multiple nights in a row with her dad. I was worried about early weaning, too! And it ended up going on for way longer than I wanted lol

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