For those who are afraid of cryptic pregnancy


New member
Hello, I’m writing to give reassurance for anyone who is in the same boat as me! I’ve been lurking here because I was anxious. I lost my login for my account (@medengconfused-low3097) but as you can see my posts have been absolutely crazy. Basically I’ve been thinking that I’ve been pregnant since October 2021 even though I’ve had more than 20 negative urine tests. Because I’m still young and under my parents insurance I couldn’t do a blood test or ultrasound, but when I visited the hospital last month for another reason they ran a pregnancy test (!!) and it was negative. Spent so much money for nothing!!

But I still was worried that I was pregnant. Because of all those stories about cryptic pregnancy on TikTok. I never told anyone about my crazy anxiety episode, even my boyfriend. Even worse, my period in October was only 2 days long and light, November I had 2 periods (because I took plan b, but I heard bleeding due to plan b didn’t cancel out pregnant so I was still freaking out.) December I had a period that was late, January I also had period but I kept having indigestion this whole time, including burping all the time and weird stomach pain. February my period was lighter than normal.. and my stomach was getting bigger. Well no wonder why it was getting bigger. Before this panic, I worked out almost every day, didn’t eat junk food. Since this panic, I’ve been bedridden, not going to class, just sleeping all day and not keeping track of my eating habits. It got so bad though to the point I got panic attacks when I looked at my bloated stomach.

March was weird because I had a period that was on time (but light), and I started birth control pills for the first time. I took it for 2 days and it made me feel absolutely terrible.. I even threw up, which is a very rare occurrence for me. I never vomit even when I’m sick!!!! So of course I believe I’m pregnant. And then a few days after my period ended, my period started again!

In conclusion I think every irregularity was due to change in hormones from plan b, birth control and stress. Since it was my first time in October, I was worried I didn’t use the condom properly. I also have strict parents who would absolutely disown me if I got pregnant. I think all these fears combined caused my spiral. I still observe my stomach every day and been watching if it’s growing, but I realized it only gets big when I eat a lot and flattens back down on an empty stomach. Not to mention that I would always suck in a bit when I look in the mirror before this scare, but since this scare I’ve been letting my stomach hang all the way. It makes a big difference. Well now that I would be more than 8 months pregnant if I actually had a cr*ptic pregnancy, I think I can finally believe that I’m not pregnant. It’s been a crazy ride, I was looking up abortion appointments and was trying to save money in case I get an abortion. Even went to planned parenthood to get free urine tests, they are super friendly you guys should check them out.

Anyways thanks for reading this post and I hope that anyone who’s suffering from this kind of pregnancy anxiety can stay strong. It will be over soon for sure!
@luckycookie51 this helped me so much. I have had a 6 day heavy period this month after last having sex in april, two months ago. For some reason still having a period and having multiple negative pregnancy tests (after testing 3 1/2 weeks after the fact, i'm still so scared I could still be. I check my stomach and size of my boobs religiously everyday and whenever i feel cramps or any weird feeling i immediately think it's because i'm pregnant. This made me feel not alone and to reassure me that I am NOT pregnant, just anxious. Thank you!!❤️
@stugray Hey you had a heavy period! Definitely a sign of not being pregnant. Relax, stop checking the mirrors, I still do that 🤦‍♀️ but it does no good. I promise you will be okay.
@luckycookie51 glad to see this. ive been going through the same thing. i had 5 negative urine test in between 2 to 8 weeks after ic and had 4 withdrawal bleedings. It's been 4 months yet im still going crazy. Been staring at my stomach in the mirror every single day.
@luckycookie51 oh god i literally couldn’t relate more, you can check my posts and see how mentally terrified i am. i took a blood test and over 12 urine tests. i got my period 3 times but they were weird as fuck and light and short!! i don’t take BC and i never used plan b. i didn’t have an intercourse in the first place but i did fool around. i literally been doing the same things that you said such as sucking my stomach before i look or taking pictures of it and putting dates on it…. i dropped out of 2 courses and lost 6 kgs and now i’m waiting on my 4th period that supposed to be here 12 days ago so all the panic is coming back again….pray for me and thank you for your post. PS: i didn’t do any sexual activies since january
@luckycookie51 thanks for posting this. I’ve been going through the same thing but I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one out there bc I thought I was literally insane for it. would it be ok if I dmed you?
@luckycookie51 This is exactly how I am now, right down to previously sucking in my stomXh. I can't relate more and I'm still suffering mentally 🤦 the guy it would be with us a major stress in my life and I feel like he is stalking me 😅
@vanfossenfi SAME!! it’s like going through this alone is enough to cause panic, never mind who it would be with. i never ever everrrr want to see that guy again. have you been reading everyone’s stories too? over and over again? i’m thinking about how great it’ll feel once it’s 9 months since and i can breathe again. i hope you are okay!!
@chesed73 I keep coming back to this thread for comfort, the last 4 months have been a nightmare, I’m struggling sm mentally and I don’t know what to do, I did everything, blood tests, urine tests, even had an ultrasound scan, all negative. And even the sex I had was very unlikely to get me pregnant, a doctor said it was a 3% chance, and I haven’t missed a single period since, but my brain is so convinced I’m going to be that 1 in a million. This can’t happen to me, I’m too young and I’m starting uni in a few months, I don’t want this fear to get in the way of my future, The thought just isn’t going away, and it sucks cause I feel like no one takes me seriously with this situation, and when someone does try to validate me it freaks me out cause it makes me feel like this is real. Idk, I just feel like I’m stuck in a loop, any advice or reassurance would be appreciated, I’m so happy I found people who went through and survived what I’m going through
@gena197 I'm going through this right now and this thread and so many others on reddit is helping me keep my head on lmao, I've been doing really bad at school which is so unlike me and I just want the anxiety to end. (I have also just started uni and I have so many hopes and dreams that can not happen if I have a kid)