Fit ladies: what are you snacking on?

@felicitys 32 weeks here. Veggies with hummus has been a staple during my pregnancy. I also went through an avocado toast with an egg phase.

Eventually I needed to add a protein bar in the afternoon to get through the workday.
@felicitys I had toast with almond butter and banana for a second breakfast/morning snack almost every work day when I was pregnant. Also often had overnight oats with chia, frozen blueberries, and collagen.
  • Avocado toast
  • English muffin w almond butter and berries on top
  • handful of mixed nuts
  • falafels (frozen, heated up in toaster oven) + tzatziki
  • pregnancy safe (low mercury) salmon pack and crackers
  • two scrambled eggs and cheese w sriracha
@felicitys I loooove Greek yogurt with probiotic granola and some fruit (preferably blackberries or strawberries since they're filling to me, pairs excellent with yogurt, and low in calories), apple with a couple tablespoons of PB Fit, homemade peanut butter protein balls, overnight oats, protein ice cream/smoothies, salads, eggs (or egg white omelets), cut up bell peppers and carrots with a good hummus.... so much stuff.

On days where I do really high mileage for my runs and am lifting frequently, I historically love making small wraps out of leftover Costco rotisserie chicken and lots of veggies (great time to explore greek yogurt based dressings or make your own!), hard boiled eggs with hot sauce (truff sauce is my fave), bowl of my favorite fruit (pineapple), etc.
@felicitys Balances breaks or cheese/crackers/nuts combo, homemade veggie soup, smoothie with pb2, Greek yogurt and chia seeds, trail mix, apple with peanut butter, pb2, cheese or cinnamon, lara bar or protein bar.
@felicitys This one sounds weird but I came across a snack idea on YT from a weight lifter consisting of nonfat Greek yogurt and sugar free gelatin topped with blueberries or other berries of your choice.

A tuna pouch mixed with avocado and sriracha. I like eating it with either nori or furikake. It’s like eating a spicy tuna roll. Plus it’s high in protein and fiber.

Edit: you assemble the jello/yogurt concoction like you would a parfait.
@felicitys I'm eating my normal diet but moved lunch earlier (I eat it at 11:30 am) have added either a Luna bar, Clif bar, or a generous serving of trail mix in the middle of the afternoon. 25 weeks.
@felicitys Apples or banana with peanut butter, peanut butter toast, avocado toast, & egg muffins/cups. Think fats and proteins to keep you full. Oh yeah, veggies with hummus. Or crackers work too
@felicitys I love Ezekiel English muffins, cashew butter sprinkled with flax seeds :)

Also I whip up a scrambled egg or 2 as a snack with some amazing salsa

Greek yogurt and berries
@felicitys There's these snack packs called Poshi of 160 calories Mediterranean bean salad. I know that sounds weird but it really fills you up. My husband ended up making the bean salad for me so we don't have the packs, but that's a nice one.