@christiansamurai88 I must agree, coffee does it for me - I have one decaf in the morning if I need it, and I'm going within 45 mins max.
My belly does the rumbling if I have bran flakes, but it used to beforehand so I just stick to the coffee.
@tuppen00 Natural Calm!!! They have unflavored ones. Drink it exactly as instructed and it is very palatable! I wasted time trying to use prunes and fiber. You deserve to be comfortable.
@tuppen00 Another suggestion! I do a banana smoothie which is just Greek yogurt + milk+ a older banana+ some frozen fruit whatever you have on hand. Sometimes I’ll add in frozen orange concentrate. This makes me really have to go so be warned. Also I’ve noticed mangos really help as a snack.

Oh and apples & apple juice too! If you do all of that I swear you will run to the bathroom
@tuppen00 Magnesium supplements help and are typically very gentle. If you need more than that then Restoralax is the gentlest laxative I’ve found and you can easily take a half dose or quarter dose if you want to take it slow. I’ve had constipation issues from before pregnancy and these are the two things that have helped me! Also drink lots of water!
@tuppen00 I made another comment saying this, but potassium! It works wonders by regulating muscle contractions in the intestines. Track your intake and make sure you're getting enough!
@hocyre89 Highly going to recommend you take a full dose of clam magnesium gummies (4) every night to keep that at bay! Magnesium is kind of a cure all as you’ll learn. I’m still taking it at 24 weeks and it really makes a difference.
@hocyre89 Some of my poops lately have been insane. Like the circumference is just out of this world, and I'm sure they are made out of cement. I have to take prescription iron pills for anemia and no matter how much fiber I eat, this things are killer. Sometimes I feel like my ass is previewing what labor will be like in 6 weeks, except it doesn't grace me with helpful contractions. That's all on me lol.