@hocyre89 I have been having this same issue!!!!! My constipation was causing lower back/sciatic pain. It. Was. Terrible. Took me like 3-4 days to figure out what the issue was. I still am not going regularly and I don't know what to do. Anyone have advice on this!?!
@tuppen00 I eat 6 prunes before bed each night and so far that has helped. I went from pooping maybe once a week to going most days, or maybe every 2nd day at the worst.
@tuppen00 Tons of fiber! I add bran buds to my cereal, eat a ton of vegetables and fruit. Water. There are also safe stool softeners if needed!
I do have IBS-D so if anything I'm relieved that pregnancy has slowed down my digestion a bit to what I'd call normal for most people.
@eerffy dang, girl! this is some solid advice, you just saved my butt haha 🤣 I’m trying to eat natural foods before turning to stool softeners or poopy meds
@tuppen00 Miralax twice daily and magnesium supplement. Haven’t had constipation at all this pregnancy thanks to this combo. Also get a squatty potty. It puts your rectum in a neutral alignment so you don’t need to strain.
@tuppen00 I added fiber gummies supplements to my morning routine with a large glass of water. It’s been a game changer for me. I am usually daily since starting compared to before which was every 2-3 days.