@moemoes They do take time to figure out. My husband is still learning. Since I’m usually the one setting/dismantling it, I have minimal issues.

They are unbelievably convenient though. I take it every time we travel.
@moemoes We were gifted a pack and play and IMMEDIATELY returned it and bought a 4moms Breeze. I knew I didn’t want to fuck with a pack and play. We may have hurt the gifter’s feelings but… check the registry? Lol
@moemoes We've recently been evacuated from our house due to a gas explosion in our town, and when it happened we didn't know what was going on so literally grabbed a diaper bad and booked it! Well we came to realize we were not getting back into our house anytime soon, so my husband decided to go back to our house to grab the pack n play. It took him and 3 other firefighters trying to figure out how to collapse it and they literally ended up each grabbing a corner and bringing it out that way! Pack n plays will forever be a mystery!
@moemoes We've got a Phil &Ted's travel crib. Weighs 6 lbs. Set up is a bit like pitching a backpacking tent. Takes a second, but the advantage is tamhay it is super simple so it doesn't have mechanisms to thwart you and fewer parts to break. It packs down super small so it doesn't take up half the trunk either.

I was done with the big honking ones after my first kid. Vowed to find an alternative and have been pretty happy so far.