pack n play safe sleep?

@greyareagcu Weirdly it depends on the country. They’re rated for safe sleep in the US, but not in Canada, and in the UK or Australia they’re only recommended for occasional use, not every day use.
@funmilayo I'm in Canada, it is 100% considered a safe sleep space here.

I had a friend who dealt with CAS when her second kid was a baby, they made her get a pack & play because baby was too big for the bassinet and she couldn't afford a crib.

I was also told by so many different doctors that a pack & play is completely fine as long as you only use the thin "mattress" that comes with it and have nothing else in there.

I've never heard it referred to as unsafe, social workers will recommend these if parents are low on cash or something because it's recognized as safe for sleep.
@funmilayo Yeah, the comment I replied to was the first one that showed up for me, so I responded with the information I know, but kept reading and saw that! So interesting! Would love to know what those countries know or interpret about these products that the US doesn’t.
@greyareagcu I went down this rabbit hole a while back and basically, since they aren’t proven safe in that country (haven’t been tested) they can’t be marketed that way. There’s not evidence they are unsafe.

Each country has different testing and regularity compliance regulations, and pack n plays simply haven’t let those in other countries.
@greyareagcu In the UK and Australia at least it’s because they are not intended for everyday use, so the wear and tear that everyday use would entail is not planned for in their design. So it’s the potential wear and tear that would make them unsafe. So I wouldn’t worry much if you’re very closely inspecting for wear and tear like, weekly or something. I’m not familiar with Canada’s reasoning though! I would also be very interested if anyone knows what it is.
@achaye4422 I have a Graco pack and play (two of them actually). Per the manuals, the bassinet attachments are only for supervised sleep but the actual play yard itself is safe for overnight sleep.
@achaye4422 Breathable is a marketing term. Mesh is for visibility. Supervised sleep is not a thing. Unless you have a medical grade monitor. In the USA if the product is a play yard, it is safe for sleep. If your child is rolling or pushing up on hands and knees the bassinet level of a pack n play is not safe anymore. The bottom level is the same as a crib.
I only figured this out because my 3 month old was rolling all over and rolling towards the black non breathable material so I got worried and did some investigating. My plan was to keep him in the playard for as long as possible but it’s not for unsupervised sleep. He’s tall so outgrew bassinet!