@imepv7 Don't you miss the childhood skill of not needing the instructions to put the Kinder surprise toy together? I feel like it was a key skill that I somehow lost and now I need instruction videos and manuals to everything
@babyblue4k Yep, I specifically spent the extra money on the 4moms play yard because everyone said it was easy to set up and take down. So worth it!
@moemoes Haha! I feel this pain! I’m in Texas, and last February we had a snow storm that knocked the power out for days. My husband was trying to set up the pack n play for our son as we were all going to sleep in front of the fireplace. Well, the next thing I know he’s throwing all the pieces into the snow covered backyard yelling that ours didn’t work! Ha! Luckily, I knew how to set it up, but they can be VERY frustrating!!
@moemoes Maybe you have a crappy one? We have a Graco that had a very specific way to be set up and removed, but as long as you know the way it is actually really simple.

If yours is giving you problems find a YouTube video of someone setting yours up to see if you are missing a step.
@yoshs That’s what I have. Setting it up wasn’t awful, but when I went to take it down, the middle part wouldn’t come up high enough, no matter what I did.
@yoshs Yeah I'm confused because my Graco literally takes me 3 min or less to assemble/disassemble. You just take out the mattress pad, disconnect the two metal tubes, remove the clips that hold the mattress pad mesh, pull up on the center foot and then press the 4 buttons on the rails to fold it up. Just have to make sure that it folds on both sides of each button, not just one side.
@droidbebe Yes, ours is the same. But I always forget to do the rails first during set up and then the base, and on take down I always forget to get both sides to fold. Every time there's a good 30 second aid WTF is wrong with this until I remember I'm doing it wrong Haha.
@yoshs I think it’s the one I have. I’ve watched the videos multiple times and I still struggle! I wish I had the graco one! Mines babytrend. Never again!