@moemoes I feel for you. The only selling point for a pack n play for me is that I wouldn’t have to worry about my kid getting his limbs stuck between bars and if he tries to climb out he’s pretty close to the floor so it should hurt less.
@moemoes I work in childcare and helped out in the baby room once. Had to put them out and pack them away and I just wanted to throw them in front of a truck (the pack and plays)
@moemoes The only time I can get the pack and play to disassemble is when I'm trying to move it and it's completely accidental. I feel this post so deep in my soul. This is my husband's job forever and always.
@moemoes My husband and I just set ours up. I’m currently 33 weeks pregnant and it broke my brain. I got so frustrated that I just laid on the nursery floor in defeat while he figured it out himself (laughing quietly at me the whole time, of course)
@moemoes You should try the Fisher Price baby dome. It's amazing. Super easy and portable and flips right open. Assembly consisted of clicking two legs into place.