@katholischen_miliz Just reading this made me want to cry happy tears, I'd be a blubbering mess if I were you. Congrats! And kudos to that coach for reaching out. And kudos to you for being a good parent!
@katholischen_miliz Yay!!! It sounds like he is going to have an activity he enjoys, burn energy and possibly learn to use the club and running as a healthy outlet. Great job, kiddo! Great job, Teacher! Great job, MOM!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a Disney nut so I highly recommend that you watch The Incredibles and he may enjoy the character Dash.
@katholischen_miliz My autistic functionally nonverbal kids are 3 and 6, my oldest is our runner... I feel your excitement. Someone was inclusive of your son and saw his strengths rather than their own judgments of him. I am so happy for you all!
@katholischen_miliz That’s awesome! Talent needs to be nurtured to grow and it’s amazing that someone was able to see that in your son! So happy for you and your little dude
@katholischen_miliz I relate so hard!!! I have a 6 year old, hyper, non verbal, wonderful son who loves to RUN. My dream is someone seeing that in him! Your post made my day and I'm crying.
@katholischen_miliz Your son isn’t a bad kid. He’s an athlete. He needs to move more than he gets to- that’s amazing and I bet if he’s anything like me, after he gets an hour or two of exercise a day he’ll be a lot easier to manage.
Some people get sharpei or pug children who only need a little movement in their lives to be the best behaved dogs. You have yourself a Husky or Cattle Dog child, who needs to move. I’m so happy someone recognized his talent.