Everyone things I'm crazy for being excited

@myworld19 Yes! Exactly! My son's been diagnosed since 1.5 years old, so we entered school with an IEP. I know I am unbelievably lucky because his teacher is amazing, had been with him since he started school a couple years ago, and will be with him for years more. I'm hoping this will be his outlet to self regulate.
@katholischen_miliz I hope so too! I worked with a student in PreK who was a runner. Oh boy would we run! I’d take the student to the playground when everyone was in class and let him just run. The other teachers were older and couldn’t keep up but he needed it! It was a great workout haha
@katholischen_miliz Aww, this is so awesome, I'm choking up reading this!! To hell with anybody trying to rain on your parade, some people just don't understand how amazing that pride in our children can be. Or they're jealous, because they don't the feeling. Either way, you are very in the right to be proud and excited. Keep up the great work, mama!! Betcha anything, this sticks with your kid for the rest of his life.
@katholischen_miliz Wow!! This is amazing!! I hope your son enjoys this and that it gives him even more feelings of worth and belonging. Because you clearly have shown him how worthy he is, but having someone outside the family show him that is a big help too