EnJoY yOuR sLeEp NoW

@vanerahelson I pretty much haven't slept well since week 5. I never slept well before that but between the need to pee every 2-3 hours, the heart burn, and the random back and hip pain... yeah. I would love to have a decent night sleep. Thankfully I've only had one person tell me to enjoy my sleep now so far.
@vanerahelson I hate this comment! When I have the baby, I won’t be having to try and get adequate sleep and then work an 8 hour day while my body is growing a human!! I’ll just have baby to worry about. I imagine it’ll be far less annoying to get up to care for baby than getting up to pee 3-4 times a night
@vanerahelson What they should tell you is your body is preparing you perfectly!! The days at the hospital were the worst for us and those were doable for me BECAUSE I had already not been getting good sleep and my body was used to it. My husband super suffered because he had to acclimate.

Also to all pregnant women - the hospital nights are not an indicator of how hard it is!
@vanerahelson 9 weeks pp I sleep so much better now than I did at the end of my pregnancy having to wake up multiple times a night to pee. Baby is already sleeping in 3-4 hr stretches.
🙄 at all the people saying I would get none. Not all babies are the same!
@vanerahelson My 9 month old baby has only "slept through the night" (meaning 6 consecutive hours), 3 times in his life, and I'm still not as tired as I was when I was pregnant.

Also, even if you sleep terribly after your baby is born, it's not like you can save up on sleep during pregnancy and use it later, so "sleep now" is terrible advice. And it's obnoxious to tell someone to enjoy something they're struggling with.
@vanerahelson My favourite one is when people go, ‘Oh you can’t sleep? Baby is getting you ready for when they arrive!’ (Chuckle chuckle)


(Currently 37 weeks, operating on 4 hours sleep today and hate everyone… this post hit home…)
@vanerahelson I found my sleep was better after baby arrived. By the end I was getting up the same number of times just to pee (sometimes more even) and I was so uncomfortable I wasn’t getting the best quality sleep.

After my son was here obviously I wasn’t getting great sleep for the first couple months but it was more restful because I wasn’t pregnant anymore lol.

I’m 22 weeks with my second and already getting up once a night to pee 🥲
@vanerahelson Yeah even on benadryl right now for my sinus infection and I still get up 4 times to pee or my dog whines and wakes me up. Once your far enough pregnant sleep goes out the window.
@vanerahelson People are weird. You can’t bank sleep, and you will sleep again and even potentially have a mostly regular sleep schedule in a few months. Sleep when you can - cumulative sleep is good too.
@vanerahelson I haven't slept for more than 1 hour without waking up for the last 5/6 weeks. I even stopped drinking water 2 hours before bed and it doesn't make any difference!

I wake up to swap sides as I'm in pain then I also wake up to go to the toilet 😫 I also have baby kicking me awake now..
@vanerahelson I got this all the time with my first. Wanted to punch everyone. 😂

This time I'm apparently lucky. My coworkers have all been amazing and supportive. If I mention being tired or not getting sleep, they're all "Of course you are! It's so hard being pregnant. Let us know if you need anything." So much better, and it makes the pregnancy experience so much better. I love them.

I get people mean well when they say this, or mean it as a joke, but if it's not helpful or supportive, and you're talking to someone pregnant, STFU. They don't want to hear it.
@vanerahelson I’m only 22 weeks and not enjoying sleep, either. I’m up 3-4 times a night and have chronic pain from another issue before I got pregnant.
People act like the newborn/sporadic sleeping phase is forever.
@vanerahelson Totally agree. I'm 35 weeks and I'm lucky if I get a 2-3 hours in a row of sleep without having to get up to pee. Not to mention I have horrible pelvic pain so barrel rolling from one side to another hurts a lot and wakes me up. My husband said I was whimpering in my sleep the other night.. assumably because my vag hurts. Lol i'm excited to sleep not pregnant anymore!
@vanerahelson I am looking forward to her being born 😭 I’m 37+1 and I am so nauseous every night that I can never sleep even with unisom. She has dropped and is sitting right on my ovary with cysts 😅 anytime anyone tells me this I do cringe inside because of the constant pain I’m in and I dread the evening and night time 🥴
@vanerahelson I have a 3 week old and I'm exhausted at the moment. But I feel so much more well rested after a 3 hour stretch of sleep now than I did after a full night during any part of my pregnancy. Now I can sleep in whatever position I want, I don't have to pee constantly, and everything doesn't hurt regardless of how many pillows I try to configure around myself.