Dr says I’m overfeeding

@glen101 Is your baby getting breastmilk or formula or a combo? Breastmilk you generally don’t need as much volume because it’s tailored to your baby in the stage they’re in. Formula you consistently go up in volume as they age. It IS possible to overfeed a baby, and I think it happens more than we think, but if your baby seems hungry, you should obviously be feeding her. I’m shocked the doctor would just be cool letting a baby be hungry? Are we sure it’s hunger signs and not gas/wanting to suck for comfort/etc?
@glen101 Every single pediatrician app my son had they always told me he was gaining too much weight. That he was of his growing curve and that he would have issues with motor skills. Well he's never been delayed with any of his motor skills and is a very happy and healthy toddler. I personally would never recommend rice cereal at any age but if you do choose that at least wait till she's 6m old. It doesn't really "hold them over"
@glen101 We were told the same by the nurses in the hospital but our peds (two) said to feed based on his needs, and that won’t over eat. He was drinking 6 oz every 2-3 hours at that age.
@glen101 You should probably see another pediatrician and get a second opinion. Not all children are going to be the same so asking about other peoples babies is not going to give you a good perspective of how much your child needs. I also gave birth to a pretty big baby. She was almost 9 pounds. her two week checkup she had already gained back her birthweight as well as an extra pound. So she gained over a lb in 2 weeks. My doctor never told me that I was overfeeding her, but when I expressed concern about her, not waking up for feedings, he told me that he’s not worried about her being woken up every 3-4 hours for feedings in the middle of the night, and to just let her sleep and feed her when she wakes up. I don’t know how much she was drinking because I was breast-feeding and when we started using bottles we didn’t use them that often only for dad and big sis to feed, I think that she was drinking about 4 ounces at around a month or two months.

My daughter has always been a big girl. I think a lot of it has to do with her her father’s jeans because her father is 6’1 and I’m only 5’4 and I was a small baby born at only 7 pounds and was always picky and petite. My daughter was always ahead of her development and ate very very well. At our 20 week ultrasound they said she measured six days ahead and then 4 weeks later they said she was measuring at two weeks ahead. She went full-term as well as another week and was born at 41 weeks and one day. She went home and 0 to 3 month clothing and by three months was wearing six-month clothing and by nine months was wearing 12 months clothing and by 12 months was wearing 18- 24 months clothing. After one she started walking and moving around a lot more and has lost a lot of of that baby weight. She is 2 1/2 and still wearing 24 month clothing and 2T. She is not unhealthy or chunky. She was just a little bit bigger than most children and usually falling in the 90 percentile. She is about the size of a 3 1/2 or four-year-old because of her height that she gets that from her father.

My 2 1/2 year-old has always eaten well, she always breast-fed well. She always ate baby food well. She really took to baby lead weaning and would eat almost a whole can of beans at eight months old. Now at 2 1/2 years old, she eats almost the same amount as my 8.5 year old and she is not overweight. She is a healthy and normal looking child. She just needs a lot of calories because she’s constantly running around and burning energy.

Pediatricians are normal people with a little bit more knowledge than us and sometimes those people can misjudge our children in our situation and so you might need a new Pediatrician, who understands that not all children are the same and are going to grow differently .
@glen101 I know everyone says you can’t overfeed a breastfed baby. But I also think you can’t really overfeed a bottle fed baby either (aside from intentionally doing it to enable weight gain). Like if kid is hungry they are hungry!
@glen101 My kid was a very chubby baby with a huge appetite. Once he started crawling and walking the “roly poly” look faded away. I figured it was a pretty normal progression.

I would lay off the cereal and start offering it with a spoon from 4 months. All she needs is breastmilk or formula at this age :)
@glen101 My son was a cluster feeder? Breast fed, (21 years ago) and he gained so much weight he was off the charts at 20lbs at 3 months old. My pediatrician never said I was overfeeding him- I was feeding on demand, but his weight gain was fast and furious. 13 lbs in 3 months. He was a big baby, and a big toddler, but completely grew and aged at a normal weight. Fat babies are not an indicator of unhealthy, necessarily. If baby is hungry, feed the baby.
@glen101 Mine gained 3-4lbs a month from birth until like 7 months old. She’s almost 2 now and 29lbs

My pediatrician was thrilled to see her gaining weight.

Feed your baby and get a new doctor
@glen101 I’m not sure about the cereal but my doctor also told me that I was feeding my baby a lot but he was just a hungry newborn! At 4 months he slowed his pace down and eats the “normal” amount now. You know your baby best and if they’re hungry feed them :)
@glen101 The cereal is a lie. If they are still hungry feed them. I had a low supply so I understand the struggle. And your going to understand that more then the doctor.
@glen101 I’m just here to say that I was breastfed and I still went from 9 lbs at birth to 18 lbs at my 2 months. So I doubled in weight.. my sister was the same.
I’m am now a pumping mom of a 6 month old and 3-4 oz sounds like what we did at that age.
So please follow your mom instinct in this case.
@glen101 Overfeeding newborns is linked with increased health risks later in life. Are you doing something different from what is recommended on the formula container?
@glen101 Breastfed baby’s should have 1-1.25 Oz per hour, so 24-30 Oz in a 24 hour period. Typically 3-4oz is fine depending on how frequently she is feeding. If she is not waking at night, bottles may be a bit larger at times, but generally if eating every 3 hours it would be 3-3.75 Oz bottles.
@glen101 Pfft, 1st kid was 9.11oz and 22.5" at birth, that boy was basically taking 8oz off the bat. His little bro was 9.5oz and 23.5" to boot. They were good eaters.

Remember, pediatricians are a guide not the absolute, on the care of your child.

Trust your momma's gut and never hesitate to switch docs.
@glen101 Dont listen to doctors. They tried to give us the Jab, and then everybody voted for Joe Biden! Clown america, amirite OP? When I was a kid, my mom drank and smoked and I turned out just fine. She let me have pepsi and ho-ho’s and I was only fat up until high school, but that was because my coach kept calling me a Michelin Man. LOL!

TLDR; You’re doing fine and big pharma wants to underfeed your baby so you have to give them vaccines.