Dr says I’m overfeeding

@glen101 If it makes you feel any better we are on a similar path. Born 8lbs 10oz, went down to 7lbs 10 at some point. I am breastfeeding only at this point. By her 4 week appt she was 10lbs 6.5oz 😳. She had gained over 2 lbs in 2 weeks! We have our 8 week appt coming up so not sure her next weight but she’s so heavy I imagine it’s similar to yours. I definitely wouldn’t recommend adding cereal or anything like that. 4oz is a normal amount for them to have in a session so would depend more on the frequency. Also what kind of nipple is it? A lot of times the stores sell the faster paced nipples and the kiddos can’t register if they are full. Typically as the kid grows you change the nipple size (although I never did and kept mine at 0 because I was breastfeeding and didn’t want my oldest to stop breastfeeding). So I feel like as long as spaced out appropriately and not too fast of a nipple I wouldn’t stress too much.
@glen101 No such thing. If baby is full they will stop or spit up.

Mine was in 90th percentile until 1 year started falling to 80th. He's now a super strong 4 year old.
@glen101 I feel like over feeding is such an outdated misnomer unless you’re absolutely force feeding your child by a tube.

My son gained a pound a week (8, 12 when he was born) for the first 6 weeks (after that I didn’t weigh him because I could tell he was growing) you don’t to have a scale for that if you have eyeballs or arms. He was 100% breastfeed. He was very content. So that’s 4 lbs in a month, and my midwives were very happy and impressed with his growth. A healthy, chonky, dense, strong baby.
@glen101 My friend's son was exclusively breast-fed and was 30lbs at a year. At our birth group reunions, he looked like he could EAT the other babies. At 2 years old, he was... wait for it... 30lbs. Some babies get big quickly and then level out. Your baby's doctor has no idea how much she is taking in at a nursing session, so to say "only 3-4oz at a feeding" is uneducated at best.

You're doing GREAT!
@glen101 Baby is hungry and needs to eat! What are you going to do, starve them? No way!

I'd ignore your doctor and just do what you feel is best. When baby is 2-3, none of this will matter anyway. They will still eat chicken nuggets off the floor.
@glen101 Are you pace feeding? It’s a great way to make sure baby is actually eating and not just having milk poured down her throat. If your baby is still fussy after she finished her bottle I would see if she will take a pacifier and only misses sucking for comfort. If this doesn’t calm her then absolutely give her another ounce of milk. Babies grow at different rates and being in tune with her needs is what makes you a great mom.
@glen101 From about 3 months to 6 months when i transitioned from breast milk in bottles to just nursing, my baby had 4 oz every feed and usually 6oz before bed. Honestly he was probably ready for 4oz a feed at 2 months but I was convinced I was over feeding him and started at 3 oz before usually having to give an extra ounce an hour later.
@glen101 You should always consider your pediatrician's advice, but it is ok if after considering it you decide it is not the right decision for your baby. Just smile and nod at the ped and then do whatever you want. My baby was the same size as yours at birth and ate the same as yours and our ped never said anything about it. In fact our ped told us it is a blessing that our baby was born so big and ate so much because we never had to worry about failure to thrive or not gaining enough weight. The only thing babies need to eat at that age is formula/breast milk.
@glen101 The cereal advice is old school and completely wrong. Babies are naturally intuitive eaters - just breastfeed her responsively right now, and your supply will regulate, it might seem like a lot of cluster feeding but it’s purpose is to increase your supply to her needs!
@glen101 My lo is 4 weeks old now, and has been eating 4oz since 2weeks. We too had issues with my supply in the beginning and had to supplement. I combo feed, he’s been in and out of the hospital and doctors appointments since birth. He was 7pounds 13oz when he was born, dropped to 7.6 and now gained to 8.7(he’s probably more now)

Every single time I’ve had to explain why he eats 4oz when the doctor said to give him 30ml after he nurses. He gets 2oz from nursing and 2oz(sometimes less) from bottle. Everyones looked at me like I was crazy lmao

He was always still fussy after 30ml of bottle so I just slowly added 10ml at a time until he wasn’t. Babies will eat however much they will eat, unless you force feed I’m not sure how you can “overfeed” a baby since they’ll start to reject food when their full
@glen101 If your baby isn't spitting up your not over feeding. That's is the only way to explain it. Dr said I was overfeeding both my kids at different points of infancy and they are both a healthy weight for their ages. Dr's will always try and tell you a baby is gaining too much but they are supposed to in the first year. Plus your daughter was born a pretty solid weight. Your doing fine mama. 4oz each feed and an extra oz when necessary is perfect.
@glen101 Breastmilk and formula are NOT the same. The composition of BM changes so the volume needed to feed baby is usually a lot less than formula. Around 1oz ish for every hour if paced bottle fed.
@glen101 Unless you're feeding the baby to the point that she's spitting up after her meals, you're fine. She's to young for cereal still, but 4 oz isn't too much.
@glen101 Do not feed cereal, that's dangerous advice. The best advice I got from my team with my son: If he's hungry, feed him, he knows what he wants. I'm extending that advice to you.
@glen101 Is your baby drinking formula or breast milk? Cause you can’t overfeed on breast milk but you can on formula. Also DO NOT give your baby any cereals! Baby can’t digest it yet. Every baby is different, mine is 4 months and he takes about 5 oz each feeding every couple hours. Maybe give her the 4 ounces but space the feedings closer together so she doesn’t have to wait as long. If I’m not mistaken the general rule is 24 ounces in 24 hours at that age… idk
@glen101 Make them show you the growth chart. Theres a line they should be hovering around

It’s next to impossible for a baby that young to over eat. When they get to much milk/formula they just throw it up because their body physically cannot take in too much
@glen101 So, I totally I overfed my baby (oversupply issues). He was so roly-poly, off the growth charts. So I would look at the growth charts, and if all is well, not a\worry about it.

And of note, although I would not recommend over feeding, anecdotally, he is a slim, trim, fit 16 year old now.